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Everything posted by Howlingwolf101

  1. 7-10? no that sounds like a high school assignment, provided it's like a semester long thing. I had a 15 page paper due for my college composition class, along with a 3-4 page paper due every week. I'll help you out, I'm currently at 10,756,939 but I only have it running on one computer at the moment due to a high electricity bill from running 3 at one point, whoops. @zipperbiscuits If you don't hear back from me on the 14th, send me a message as I might've forgotten.
  2. you beat me to it, exactly what I was going to say
  3. I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up
  4. The difference between xeons and i7, is that the i7's main purpose is for video, music and photo editing, where as the xeon is targeted for workstation, server systems. So you should be all set with that i7. I'm not a video editor but do you really think you need two titans for a bit of video editing? If anything go for one now and update in the future if needed. Also the 1200watt PSU is overkill I think. I would reccomend a 1000 or even a 750 watt PSU
  5. I've seen some people (not just cpuboss) say that the 4790k performs equal to if not better than the 6700k. http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i7-6700K-vs-Intel-Core-i7-4790K
  6. One more powerful because SLI isn't as compatable, and you're bound to have issues with multiple GPUs. Go for a single one if you can
  7. I actually just bought one from bestbuy on saturaday and found my 128MB flash drive that I once thought was a lot and laughed at it. Needless to say, I already have my movies on it for portability.
  8. I agree, it also isn't like they haven't been introduced to sexual topics before
  9. I agree that a lot of games should not be played by 12 year olds if it's rated M, there are a lot of games that make light of violence. I don't have a problem with swearing or nudity in games, at 12 years old, chances are good those kids have constant interaction with swearing in school and they probably are well aware of nrop.
  10. So I found someone who's selling a one day pass to Pax east for $100 (way over priced but that's supply/demand) saying he can't go. I'm trying to decide if I should go or not. I would probably be missing a day of work to go to this, and I only work three days a week right now. But if I go, I could meet up with a friend that I haven't seen in forever since he moved to florida. I'm not worried about traveling as it's only a half hour from where I live (NH). What do you think I should do?
  11. If it's for gaming, the i5 combo would be better, if you're doing video/music/picture editing than you'll want the i7 otherwise an i7 for gaming is overkill and you'd be better off with an i5 and a 980
  12. On top because there's no airflow underneath my desk and also because of the carpet. I can also admire it's beauty a bit more.
  13. set playerfollwercount 0 set playeranimalcount 0 You can use these to to reset your follower count. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)
  14. just a heads up, in case it is one, all April fools topics should be posted in the off-topic section, it says so in the announcement banner at the top of the page, I can't tell if this is real or not, I'm not taking anything serious today.
  15. No, it should not be necessary. I've never had that problem, I believe a BIOS update flashes the memory already, no need to do it again. EDIT: you only need to clear the cmos after a failed BIOS update or if an overclock fails. If you have to, there should be a jumper on the motherboard that reads, clr cmos or something like that, you just move the jumper over, or you could try removing the battery that's on the motherboard but the jumper method is probably the easiest route
  16. A 500 watt PSU should be more than enough, I personally recommend something from corsair or EVGA. It's up to you but you could go with a single 1TB HDD (which should be more than enough) or you could go for a 500GB SSD and a 500GB HDD if you want faster boot time. As for motherboard, I'll let someone else help with that
  17. from what I've heard, it's good for casual games like Skyrim or RPGs but there is a bit of a delay so competitive games aren't really the best ones to use on there. Other than that it looks sleek and really cool. That's only what I've heard, I don't own one, so take it with a grain of salt
  18. If it's windows 10, that's a known bug. Restarting the computer fixes it
  19. woah , that's a-maize-ing. Thanks for the share
  20. how are they saved? mp3, .wav etc. or is it a spotify extension