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  1. I've got a Mionix Avior 7000 with a left click that's functional about 50% of the time and a Razer mech keyboard. Don't use a headset, to the dismay of everyone in VoIP.
  2. Got a 660 right now, so I guess it would be a nice upgrade? Polaris is looking pretty nice compared to what AMD has offered in the past.
  3. Very cool projector. Seems like it's got better capabilities than other projectors that are around this size, and is also easier to place and use. Cool short as well!
  4. Standard drives are great for storage, but for files that need to be accessed regularly, an SSD is a must!
  5. Sweet little box. Could use it at my college to game on between classes on one of the T.V.s they've got laying around.