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Finally got a resume together and applied for some jobs in my area. One of them I really want to get, but we'll see. Wish me luck!

  1. dizmo


    Good luck!!

    I'm looking for a change of work as well. If there's one you really want to get, did you talk to the manager in person? Or did they only do online applications?

  2. Droidbot


    It's a big conglomerate (ISP, I'm doin retail) and I have to do a video interview with the manager if they liked my online app.


    Other ones are just online interview only.

  3. dizmo


    Haha, oh man. It's such a weird world applying or jobs now...though we don't really have those kind of interviews in Canada for basic jobs. I've been thinking about moving to the UK and they're big on those kind of interviews as well.
