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About Jvagle875

  • Birthday Dec 30, 1993

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    Minnesota, USA

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  1. Are you playing csgo competitively? If so, you'll need a large mousepad. I honestly would reccommend a hard one, I can't go back to a cloth mousepad after using my logitech G440 http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-G440-Hard-Gaming-Mouse/dp/B00DY1HTU6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1421467679&sr=8-2&keywords=logitech+mouse+pad&pebp=1421467695710&peasin=B00DY1HTU6
  2. Yeah, blame Nick... I still think having these types of videos for products that you can't be bothered to do a review of would be fun
  3. Meh.. I'm a little upset that they removed the real aluminum in lieu of plastic but didn't lower the price at all. Solid case, but I think bringing it down 10 bucks would have made it a good value. Considering its competition at 100-110 bucks.
  4. I love the varied content, it keeps it interesting. I do get bored of the overclocking guides and to a lesser extent the build guides (I like the idea of themes and builds that aren't just based around a specific budget). However, I do understand that those are just something you do when you are in the tech industry. There's just something I miss about that handy-cam style of video. And while im still holding out hope for the separate channel that is just nick or someone holding a camcorder and filming as first impressions are formed. I can understand from a business perspective why things are the way they are.
  5. Just make sure its really flashy and auto plays a really loud sound. That's the only way to reach kids these days.
  6. I think they'll keep it in production as a smaller variant to the 6.
  7. Played it for awhile but got kind of bored of it.
  8. This? http://mrfarshtey.net/AP-P_Podcasts-PowerPoints.html or this? http://ushistory1877topresentjoyner.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/4/0/13401675/american_past_and_present_10th_ed..pdf I'm not really sure specifically what you're looking for. I never took APUSH so I don't remember what it was about.
  9. Why can't a font be any of those things? Obviously there are places where the font is inappropriate, but that's not the fonts fault.
  10. You'd be bottlenecked by the 270x before your chocked for memory. But for only 20 bucks why not.
  11. I watched the finals, but this was the first time I've ever seen LoL so I'm really not sure what was going on.
  12. No no, tell me what is wrong with it.