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BlackDreamer's Achievements

  1. Vessel Username: Mike_626 Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1
  2. Vessel Username: Mike_626 Vidoes : https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1 https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj
  3. Vessel Username: Nicholai Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0
  4. This would be an awesome little media PC for me, I'm in!
  5. I want to say firstly, congratulations Linus, I hope you will continue having a high pitched voice, small body and awesome personality! I'd like to have the computer signed by the Linus Media group, I also found your channel when you were unboxing and reviewing the Cooler master Hafx XL-Atx case. Personally, I like the build guide series, mainly because it feels a little more up-front and personal compared to your other style vidoes, have a long video isn't so bad either . I'd like to see you review the EVGA x99 classified, it interests me. Oh and if you want to know my favourite food, well, ummm, my god, I like every damn food out there, crap .
  6. Last movie I watched was Non-Stop, with Liam Neeson. It was pretty damn good.
  7. It was around 9:00 am, a month from now, I was doing chores due to a big dinner that was on the previous day. "Bang, bang, bang" was someone knocking on the door. I opened it only to see my sister and her friend crying. I tried to ask them what was wrong, but before I could, they ran up the stairs. I quickly followed them, and as I reached the top of the stairs, my mother stormed out of the room, with a look of disgust on her face."What's wrong mom?" I asked. She looked at me for a few seconds and then told me, "Your sister and her friend was just held up and robbed." I froze, and as shocked as I was, I began to think of how close they were to death. After shock, gradually turned into rage, and I was so angry, I wanted to cry. The mere thought of my sister and her friend who is very close to me being held up and violated was enough to enrage me. "I am tired of this shit," my mom shouted,"my daughter having to experience something like that is disgusting. I'm going to find them and get her stuff back." My mother was already dressed , and was about to leave until I said,"I'm not letting you do that alone, I'm going too." I grabbed a knife out of the kitchen drawer and put it in my pants. My mother didn't really care that I grabbed a knife, what she really was concerned about was the fact that my hair was messy, I had an old shirt on and was in my boxers, but I ignored that and convinced her to let me go. She was robbed by the vicinity of the mall, so we went there looking for them. Apparently there were two people who robbed them, one was short; had curly hair, yellow shirt with white stripes and dark skinned; the second one was also short had curly hair aswell, blue shirt and red pants and brown skinned ( sorry for being so specific, am actually still angry from this, so being detailed will help me get over it ). We parked up by the mall, scoping out the area. We went in the mall, circled a few time, but sadly we couldn't find them, the bastards were long gone, with my sister's friend's phone. When we got back home, they seemed fine and my father was also enraged, but cared more about staying with my sister than looking for them. My sister, her friend, my mom and my dad went to the police station to make a report hoping that we would find them, but a month later, they still weren't found. Hope you enjoyed it man, sorry it wasn't epic or funny or anything like that, but its good to finnally get this off my chest. Have a good one!
  8. I loved how you used alcohol to explain this: No particular reason why I like this video, it just intrigues me:
  9. Meh, why not, would love them all!
  10. I like the second camera on the back, it looks very useful.
  11. This is so damn awesome, will be looking forward do the videos and giveaway! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nicholai.wallacegill/posts/10200580737858403 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nicholaiwg Thanks!