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About abt

  • Birthday Oct 25, 1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Virginia, USA


  • CPU
    AMD fx-8120 @ 3.1GHz
  • GPU
    GeForce GTX970 4G Gaming
  1. If you're multitasking, get multiple monitors. On ultrawides, it's hard to divvy up windows and things like that. So, the sacrifice you're making is the gap between your monitors for more usability.
  2. We all have different eyes so who knows I find that when I look at a saturated screen for a while it starts messing with me, so I use the program that came with my GPU to alternate between Movie/Gaming/Browsing Mode, etc.
  3. Excuse me for not knowing everything there is to know, i'm still learning about stuff like this. I heard this forum was just full of elitist, arrogant ass hat's but I didn't know it was this bad.
  4. Oh no the pc elitists are after me because I didn't know literally everything there is to know about everything in existence
  5. I don't know why you're getting pissy over a graphics card but I guess that's to be expected from a forum like this.
  6. I probably should have just said "better" instead of "slightly", but I think you get what I mean.
  7. They're basically the same, you might get slightly better performance from the newegg kit.
  8. Nah I don't think it'll fit 2 more sticks man
  9. The motherboard model would be nice
  10. I got Batman: Arkham Knight for free when I bought my 970 4G
  11. LMAO 980ti isn't obsolete, 700 series isn't even completely obsolete yet.
  12. inb4 literally everyone tells you to get a 390
  13. Make sure that Bluetooth is even enabled in your computer. Go through all the settings and make sure that nothing is disabled.