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My SSD gave out on me after a year and a quarter. 

I thought Windows 10 and its corrupted self finally said "fuck you" but I guess it wasn't leaving without taking something with it. 

  1. handymanshandle
  2. 8uhbbhu8


    Damn... Getting another one? And are you switching back to windows 7? I did after a month lol 

  3. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    I have to mainly because that's the only install disk I have.

    I don't know when I'll get another SSD; I have a couple of hard drives to use though.

  4. handymanshandle


    well uh hmmm.... There might be something I could do about that. ;) 

  5. PlayStation 2
  6. handymanshandle


    Oh idk. Cough Amazon Gift Card Cough

  7. PlayStation 2
  8. kameshss


    ssds proly have longer warranties? is it not under warranty?

  9. handymanshandle


    @kameshss Eh mine has 3 years but I believe his had a 1 year?

  10. kameshss


    1 year? so surprised to SSD which has 1 year warranty. I believe CS1111 has 3 year warranty.

  11. 8uhbbhu8


    Wow thats a pretty short warranty for an SSD...
