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Everything posted by NeoChrome

  1. Do you have some tips on how to Speed it up and increase the resolution, currently the resolution is 1200x720 and I can not change it, any ideas as to how?
  2. Holy S**** Its installing Thank you man!! I lost 3 hours yesterday trying to do it...
  3. Hi, I've not posted in a loong time here. But I come here today to say that I'm stuck! Since my Mac died and I have not access to some specific apps I need I thought to repurpose my Gaming / Developing machine to also run MacOS. I've tried this video since it explains everything really well, however no luck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr2fQXgcb2U My PC specs: Ryzen 2600 32GB RAM RTX 2060S NVME Samsung Pro (I think) THe issue I'm getting is this: 2021-03-10T09:29:31.500+01:00| vmx| I005: Win32U_GetFileAttributes: GetFileAttributesExW("C:\Users\Username\Documents\Virtual Machines\macOS\macOS.vmpl", ...) failed, error: 2 2021-03-10T09:29:31.500+01:00| vmx| I005: Policy_SavePolicyFile: invalid arguments to function. 2021-03-10T09:29:31.500+01:00| vmx| I005: PolicyVMX_Exit: Could not write out policies: 15. I've also attached the full log into the post. So, anyone has an idea If I can make this work? I would appriciate some input! Thanks! vmware-2.log
  4. Thats exactly what will happen I'm afraid.
  5. I'd recommend checking out the patent. It's a patent, covering the whole idea of identifying the most impactful play of a game and then displaying. by reddit user Eirh Patent: http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=20180161675.PGNR. Source: https://news.unikrn.com/article/overwatch-play-of-the-game-system-us-patent
  6. oh well, you just ping the Default gateway and send a file to the router. But the problems is how do i create a file and send it to the ROUTER, the router can not hold something for me and then send it back.. thats too much network stuff
  7. Holy Crap 1M Subs! Congratz ! I just found the NCIX channel by accident, and then when you invited TB to the Wan Show i picked you guys Up and started watching your vids, as a IT Student i find some of your videos very educational, more entertaining then my books for sure! Keep up the good work!
  8. Amazing Screen, waterproof stuff is always nice ^^
  9. My Alfa Network Antena is better then this...
  10. C++, Ofc, if you know C++ and the Logic behind it you can learn all other languages in like 1-2 weeks.. Trust me Im a Senior IT student.
  11. yeah gtx650 is what i thought, he mostly plays minecraft.. that will be Ok right?
  12. http://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/optix/en/optix_330_techspecs.pdf So my Brother has this optiplex 330, and i wanted to buy a graphics card for it, its kinda old, but do you guys know whats the best Graphics card for this motherboard that can use it? i thought about a GTX600 series.. is it worth it?
  13. Well if MS doesn't support PC gamers.. why stay on Windows? thats the point.. Boycoting it as soon as i get an alternative to gaming! If they don't care about gaming then i don't care about windows.. easy
  14. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/06/13/microsofts-xbox-boss-says-e3-is-no-place-for-pc-gaming/#null Just look..
  15. As an IT Senior IT student, i got some programming skills and want to start a company with a CRM (client relationship managment) Application, but i live in Bosnia, is it hard to get Clients from the US from Europe ? and What are your toughts about the gaming industry because i would like to get into that too!?
  16. Oh i didn't know about Gyazo, Nice thanks
  17. Ok, will be in touch! also if i think of something i will let you know!
  18. Never underestimate the determination of a kid who is time-rich and cash-poor!

  19. When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves
