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About kevincatssing

  • Birthday Sep 29, 1997

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  • Interests
    Tech, cats, architecture
  • Biography
    I have 7 cats
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  1. So recently, I've acquired a ZBook x2 and I am wondering if I am able to use it as a drawing tablet for my existing PC. I have tried to use Windows 10 Wireless screen projection but it keeps failing (If someone can help me with this too, that would be helpful). However, I can use my PC as a wireless display for my ZBook for some reason but not the other way around. Do you guys know of a way I can accomplish this? All the apps I bought are on my PC and I don't want to buy them again for the ZBook.
  2. That all sounds intimidating to do.. The reason that I need to backup the important data to an external drive is because all data will be wiped? Is there really no other way?
  3. How do I do that? And I would like to mention that this all happened right after the Windows 10 New Creators update, before hand it was normal.
  4. Okay so I'm not sure if this would be the right thing to show but here it is
  5. Hi again :D! And I'm trying to get the info I need here and there, and so far I haven't found someone with the same problem as mine, yet. I don't know man I don't think my cats are doing these.
  6. How do I check if it runs under csrss.exe? I'm sorry I am not much of a computer expert.
  7. So there is this console like program that keeps popping up from time to time and its getting quite annoying and thanks to the people in the previous thread I made, I was able to narrow it down to these possible processes. conhost.exe officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe They all seem to be running around XX:48:03 in time. The first pic shows when it ran on 12:48:03, and the second pic shows when it ran on 01:48:03, and the third pic is my cats. What are they? Are they safe? Why do they keep popping up? How do I make them stop doing that? I hope you guys can help me with this. Thank you for reading. (To be frank 'conhost' doesn't seem like a very safe name, I don't wanna get con'ned.)
  8. Oh wow I'm blind. Sorry for the troubles. and thank you for appreciating my cat picture
  9. For a while now there is this one unknown console like window popping up at random times and it was too fast for me to see what it was. Its getting quite annoying and I am getting worried. I've ran antivirus and Malwarebytes scans, they both shows clean results. Is there a way for me to log programs that has been running/stopped so I can figure out what the program is and continue on there? I've searched the web for similar topics and I found one but it was for Windows 7 so I'm not sure if its applicable for me + I don't know how to do it. (The thread about it) (I've uploaded an image of my computer specs, not really sure if its relevant but thats what the pinned guide told me to do, and also have a complimentary picture of my cat! Sorry if I posted on the wrong sub-forum, and hope you guys can help me)
  10. how do I repaint it if it is paint that wore down
  11. Yeah I have tried rubbing it with alcohol and that doesn't remove it either. When I was just brushing the area with a brush I got from the laptop cleaning kit, it makes a patchy rough sound compared to the area that doesn't have the white spots. I don't think its paint that came off because its sort of above the metal, and isn't a dent. I don't know if the metal is aluminium or not, thats why I stated what brand my laptop is hoping people here could tell me. And if it is aluminum and oxidized, what do I do to well, safely unoxidize it from my laptop?
  12. Dang I should of stated in the first post that I have tried cleaning it, using a damp cloth, those natural computer cleaners liquid and lots of other stuff, it just won't come off D:
  13. So a while back, these white spots started appearing on the surface of my laptop near the keyboard and I am wondering how do I remove them. The laptop I have is an ROG G551JW, and the surface is sort of metallic? Hope you guys can help me qq I notice that the spots takes form in the shape of my palm when I am resting on it, my guess is that the metallic part oxidizes due to the sweat that my palms are producing. Edit: I have tried cleaning it using. Wiping it, etc, it just won't come off.
  14. Oh oh and I just remembered that I did this to try and fix some issues I was having with a Game. I think it worked because I am able to run the game again, but I think this is what caused the Ethernet thingies to pop up. Is what I did safe and if its not, should I revert it? ANd how do I revert it back? 1. Click the 'Start menu' 2. Type in the search bar 'cmd' 3. Right click on cmd and select 'Run as administrator' 4. In the command prompt, type in 'hdwwiz.exe' 5. A window 'Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard' will open, click 'Next' 6. Select 'Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) 7. Scroll down and select 'Network adapters' and click 'Next' 8. Under 'Manufacturer' select 'Microsoft' 9. Under 'Network Adapter' scroll down and select 'Microsoft Loopback Adapter' 10. Click 'Next' and again click 'Next' 11. Try running the ROBLOX player or RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe from the 'Start menu'