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Wow, IMO, that's some next level scamming from Epic.


This "full game" box below, only contains a code for vbucks and the Battle Royal mode (already free), NOT the single player "Save the world" mode ... 


Apparently lots of people are not aware that either, BR is free, or that this doesn't include STW!




Source :



  1. WkdPaul


    Turns out there are articles about that out there trying to warn parents ... this should have been plastered everywhere. Kudos to the people in gaming stores steering parents away from this and the console bundles (yeah ... there ARE console bundles for a free game that sells for the same price as the bundles that include $60 games!!!).



  2. PCGuy_5960


    Actually, Epic Games gave STW (the paid mode) for free to everyone who bought the bundle

