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  • Interests
    Computers, Gaming, Space, Airsoft


  • CPU
    AMD-FX 8350 @4.1GHz
  • Motherboard
    ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
  • RAM
    16GB (4x4GB) G.Skill Sniper Series
  • GPU
    MSI Nvidia GTX 970
  • Case
    NZXT S340 w/ Hue+
  • Storage
    2 WD Blue 1TB 7200RPM 64MB Cache
  • PSU
    Corsair CX600 Semi-Modular
  • Display(s)
    24" 1920x1080@68Hz (Main), 20" @1600x900, too lazy to look up exact Model No.
  • Cooling
    Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
  • Keyboard
    Corsair K70 RED
  • Mouse
    Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury
  • Sound
    Logitech G633 RGB 7.1
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 64-Bit

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  1. Got my wisdom teeth out, and my DT770 Pro 250 ohms are now renedered uncomfy (until the swelling goes down). I use a Schiit Modi 2 as a DAC, and run it to a Monoprice Desktop AMP (MDA) using the line outs as dedicated amp. The MDA is rated from 16-600 ohms, and I'm curious if anything will be damaged if i run my 1MORE Quads (Buds) through the MDA. Will they be overdriven or damaged at all? The Quads are rated at 32 ohms, but im just super worried I'll damage something. Thanks y'all! -Collin
  2. I actually have my brothers license already. I have everything set up in preferences, the program is just super confusing and I'm not sure how to get anything working. I guess I'll just keep trying to watch youtube videos
  3. Hey guys! So my brother is moving, and is giving me his Launchpad Mini (yay!) I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing with this thing, but I'd like to set up a few functions for it. I want to be able to use it as a soundboard, and push audio clips/effects into my microphone output. (if possible?) I would also like to set up some macros for a few programs in the future. Oh, and the lights on this thing are pretty cool, and I'd like if they could be active all the time, or at least when I press them (similar to RGB keyboard effects) If anybody can help me out with programs that would work, It would all be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Hmm. I'm not sure what to go with! the 250 with the mono is technically cheaper, but I guess on long car rides or on planes the 80's could be useful. Wouldn't the 80's just drain my phone battery though? I have a pair of Jaybird X3's for my phone, and they do a decent job at being portable and have decent sound. I think I might go with the 250's... I just don't see why for a set of desktop headphones I'd drop any possible quality for my budget, and the Mono DAC/amp can take 600 ohms, so I'm definitely not pushing it too far. Any other reasons why the 80's are a better option?
  5. Well you all seem to know what you're talking about. What would you guys recommend then? the 250 or 80 ohm version? and with what DAC/amp? I'd like all of your inputs. (or maybe even a different pair of headphones?!, I'm pretty set on these :/)
  6. are you sure? I've been told by a few people and my friend that higher ohm cans will always give better sound and greater clarity. For virtually the same price, why not go for the 250's?
  7. I think you're correct, it's referring to the total harmonic distortion of the DAC/amp at that frequency range (which is human hearing). Thanks! I'll add this one to the list of potential purchases.
  8. Oh, I thought I had read that there is a desktop app with further controls. Upon further researching, there is some mobile app, nothing to do with desktop audio. But it looks pretty good otherwise. Thanks for the recommendation! But, I have one question, the DT770's offer a 5Hz-35000Hz frequesnce response, why does this DAC/amp offer +- 0.2dB 20Hz-20kHz. Is this anything significant?
  9. by "monoprice", you're referring to this? And I'm pretty sure about these headphones, but like I said, I'm going to try out my buddy's DT990's before. Also, the DT770's have an 80 ohm version, would I be better off with that, to my understanding higher ohm is usually clearer, right?
  10. I listen to EDM and some 80's rock. My friends owns the DT990's, and I'm going to listen to them one more time before deciding. I know that open-back gives a broader sound stage, but I definitely want closed-backs to keep my music to myself. Also, I have a crappy motherboard so no chance running anything on-board
  11. looks good, but this DAC/amp runs with a desktop app? And I'm fine with any DAC/amp as long as it gives me the quality that the headphones are meant to output (to my understanding, DAC's can change the freq. response and sample rates of heaphones?)
  12. So I am a total noob to audio hardware, and I only have just recently learned about impedance and frequency response and DACs and amps and all the very basics about audio. I'm looking to upgrade from some Logitech G633's into a proper set of headphones, and I need some recommendations/guidance about where I should be putting my money. I'm currently looking at a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250 Ohm headphones, and I need a DAC or amp (or both? I'm very new to this, sorry) that can handle these headphones. I have read the "Before you buy amp and DAC + recommendations" by Dackzy, but I'd just like a bit more direct input about what I need. My budget is in the ballpark of $120US for the DAC/amp, but I guess I can go higher if it's necessary. Thanks! -Taters
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. However, what is the difference between a B250 mobo or a Z270 or Z170 motherboard? Is the ability to overclock the only difference?
  14. Yeah, I definitely had a Ryzen 5 in mind but I wasn't too sure