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Everything posted by moustacheman

  1. by involving your self in the piracy you take responsibility. if there was no demand to torrent GTA V , there would likely be no one hosting it. by downloading the torrent you are providing demand and ensuring the continued supply. I agree realistically you as one person have no real influence, yet i do think you take some responsibility for the whole thing.
  2. okay i was wrong, torrenting files protected by copyright is wrong...
  3. no, please pay attention to what i put... by torrenting the game with your clearly honourable intentions you make it easier for others with less than honourable intentions( who will not pay) to do the same. no but you have breached their rights, you are taking their ideas and creation ( the game) with out consent or compensation.
  4. because torrenting is wrong.... i wish there was one, but even if there was, the game has been delayed so i doubt you could play it now
  5. you are taking the intellectual rights to the game without R* consent.... it may have no effect on R* but have you considered it from the point of view of people who actually pay for their games? do you not see the huge injustice there?
  6. yes but by torrenting it you are actively encouraging others to do the same... realistically by only a negligible amount but i still think that there is still responsibility there. The Ideal situation would be the return of game demos but with todays pre-order culture that will never happen.
  7. you are very clearly taking something.... how can you not see that...
  8. morally i believe they are, R* put significant resources into the development of this game and i think you should compensate them accordingly.
  9. you're too stupid to argue with.... oh well enjoy the rest of your evening
  10. these crisps look tasty, but i cant be sure, let me just steal a packet to find out...
  11. today's society is truly shit when im a white knight for condemning theft... instead of licking R* ass ill go do something productive while i patiently wait for GTA V, wait for them to finish it you know... also have you considered that the choice to delay the game, in light of 2014 the year of broken games, may be a good thing. Also consider the optimisation required for a pc is massive compared to that of a console...
  12. you arrogant, self entitled child stop acting like R* owes you something. "they had PLENTY of time" to do whatever they wanted, they have no responsibility to do anything, and do you know anything about the technical process that involved converting this game to PC? Probably not, as you're not an R* employee, so perhaps, don't presume they've "had PLENTY of time". and on your witty reference to piracy, i hope the day after you pirate the game someone breaks into your house and steals everything you own. it might just teach you a lesson about earning something....
  13. this is just stupid! can we not create a "wild speculation" section for crap like this... this is not news.....
  14. personal uneducated opinion* -- crossfire is rubbish, scaling isnt great, obnoxiously loud and power hungry. I have a crossfire set-up and it is not good, save up and get a better card, wish i had.
  15. i play it pretty much every day (126 hours in total.. dont judge), with the release of emperor edition it is amazing. I only bought it recently (few months ago) so i cant compare the current state to the release, but it runs very well on my pc and is stable... however there is occasional unit stuttering during massive battles, which is annoying but uncommon. the patches they have released improved the game greatly and while it is still not perfect it is great fun with more patches to come. I would whole heartedly recommend the game now, however one thing i would be concerned with is the amount of paid dlc, lots of money for little content that should really be free, case and point the gore pack. perhaps wait for a steam sale or a complete edition as most of the extra content does feel essential and can quickly rack up to extortionate amounts.
  16. yeah, im considering that as well. Its up to you to decide whats best for you. personally i would get a 780 ti (i wish i had instead of going crossfire) or dare i say it... wait for the 800 series?
  17. im not sure to be honest. ill take your word for it, you're in a position to say i guess. maybe i just got burned by shitty crossfire....
  18. my recommendation would be to get the best single gpu you can afford without the plan to sli down the road. also this a random guess but seeing as fsx came out in 2006 i would put bad performance down to lack of optimisation rather than hardware limitations.
  19. one 780 ti sill give be better at 1440p than 770 sli surely?? when considering price and sli scaling.
  20. as someone who runs multi gpus i can tell you its stupidly loud and hot. what are you planning to run on it btw? and at what resolution?
  21. id find out what hes using it for as well, because 780ti sli is overkill for pretty much everything sub 4k
  22. have you thought about the heat and noise they are going to make? do you already have the cards?
  23. first movie iv'e ever seen in a cinema where properly laughed out loud, also the action scenes are epic