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  1. I would like the Blade Stealth because it's small and light weight form factor is perfect for school. Also later down the road I could get a core to game on when I get home, or just by a new PC since I won't be spending money on a good laptop. This would be a great replacement for my old bulky (and ugly) dell laptop. Thanks!
  2. Hello I was wonder if the the build I'm planing to make is good for 1440p 144hz gaming and a bit of editing. Games I plan to run are Battlefront and Star citizen. I also want to oc and would like to keep it some what quiet. Here is the link to the build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qgXx3C Thanks!
  3. Leave your thoughts below.
  4. I will be getting a Audio-Technica ATH-AG1 headset. In most reviews I heard it was worth while getting a sound card or amp. I have a desktop http://pcpartpicker.com/p/PjHggs
  5. Sorry about that. I would use it for a gaming headset.
  6. I need help buying a AMP/DAC or soundcard. I looking for one that is not to expensive preferably $50 or less. I also heard that a AMP/DAC is better than a soundcard. Thanks!
  7. I was wondering if one Gigabyte GeForce GTX 980 Ti G1 Gaming can run games like Battlefield and up coming Battlefront at 1440p 144hz. Thanks
  8. I was wondering what the best ddr4 ram is under $150? Also what is the best motherboard that supports LGA 1151 under $175? Thanks