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Well, there goes another piece of tooth. Thanks KFC! (no sarcasm. I was trying to break it for about a week now and it wouldn't come out).

Nerves in my teeth have been dead or dying so there isn't much in the way of pain to deal with. Side effects of overuse of pain medication and clove oil. Can't say I'm mad though.

Time to call the deathist and yank out what's left of it then get ready for my 6th implant. Woo!

  1. lkarej


    dentists are lit fam

  2. You_are_a_cunt


    Dentists are evil, greedy bastards.

  3. lkarej


    parent is dental hygienist, idk about yours but I can confirm that is not true across the board.

  4. You_are_a_cunt


    A single mono-root implant sets me back about 600 EUR.

    When I replaced another molar that broke it cost me 1100 EUR.


    A freakin' filling is like 50 eur.


    I might not bother with an implant this time, though.

  5. lkarej


    I can't relate prices but that sounds about right.
    The amount of knowledge required for a lot of the stuff they do is ridiculous.

    I've had oral surgery before and uh, I'd say it's somewhat equivalent to a normal surgery on skill and knowledge needed by the practitioner tbh.



  6. You_are_a_cunt
  7. Lurick


    Side effects of KFC include:

    Broken teeth, Nausea, Heartburn, Loss of vision, Blurry vision, Loss of hearing, Hearing of voices of the old gods, Loss of hair, Loss of sanity, Coma, Death, and Upset Stomach


    If you experience any of these symptoms please see your local holy man immediately.

  8. You_are_a_cunt


    Ain't no priest good enough to exorcise the demons of KFC.


    my asshole regrets the "food" decision for today. To be fair it was either that or McDiabetus since they were the only ones open at 5AM


  9. Lurick


    McBettus is best -beetus!

  10. You_are_a_cunt


    I'd disagree.

    At least with 'em chicken chokers you know you're eating some sort of animal meat.

    With McCancer it's most likely some sort of plastic

  11. Lurick


    Meh, plastic isn't all that bad :D
