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Did I just find my white whale?


(It’s the Sapphire RX 470 Platinum. Other than it’s looks, it’s just a 470)


Fuck, I think I did. I rarely ever have a use case where an eGPU would be nice.....but I can get such a good deal on this Razer CoreX that I feel obligated to buy it! ~$200 for a Razer CoreX and either a 480/470 is pretty good. 

  1. ARikozuM


    Skip! Skip! Skip!

  2. DrMacintosh
  3. DrMacintosh


    Skip? Skip what?

  4. ARikozuM
  5. DrMacintosh
  6. ARikozuM


    I just don't see the utility in an eGPU box. 

  7. DrMacintosh
  8. ARikozuM


    I would get the box with a 480 unless you already have a GPU for it. 

  9. DrMacintosh


    I "have a GPU" in that my main rig could just have its card pulled. However it's not exactly easy for me to do that due to my case being so....."custom."


    What would you think of getting a 470 is the price were, say, $90 shipped? These people locally are not responding to their listings, so I might just have to go to eBay. 

  10. ARikozuM


    Go for it. Didn’t you mention a 480 was 100 the other day?

  11. DrMacintosh


    Yeah, but can’t get nobody to respond! There are som eBay deals, but the listings don’t have actual photos. 
