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  1. Congratulations Linus, to you and your team .. you really deserve it I've enjoyed your work since your ncix days. Wish you the best
  2. Thank you for your help Kinivo caught my eyes earlier so I guess I'll go for that. Thanks everyone.
  3. Hello, I'd like to buy an HDMI switch, if you could provide me with directions that would be appreciated. a year ago I tried one but that was a weridly bad experience. whenever I used it, it got my PC to BSOD (??!) so if you could recommend my a switch, a brand or any tips to follow that would be great.
  4. No he isn't harsh. I think Linus is used to looking at it in a technical point of view; Yes hardware-wise PC is far superior but, the sad 'reality of it is' what matter is games and publishers will never harness the power of PC as long as consoles exist.
  5. That's awesome! 1. https://www.facebook.com/hasomran/posts/494417390631617 2. @iPensive: https://twitter.com/iPensive/status/340927811051196417