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  1. Hey! I am using a AGPtek USB Wired Game Keyboard A Zelotes Optical gaming mouse And a pair of skullcandy Crushers, as you can see a am in need of an upgrade. Best of luck to everyone!
  2. I am currently running a 650 ti and I want a new polaris 10 or 11 graphics card because my brand new 380 broke a few moths ago and I keep getting AMD driver updates.
  3. This would be perfect for a backyard barbeque. Along with a white sheet and some duct tape for a portable screen.
  4. I would like to win the Excalibur v2 keyboard because I have never used a mechanical keyboard before and would love to get one and start using some custom key caps.
  5. My mom doesn't want to install a new monitor or television but I just can't let her watch shows and movies on her 18 inch monitor. She also has a pair of beige speakers that need to be replaced ASAP. For the monitor I chose an Asus MX279H 27 inch Monitor For the speakers I chose a Logitech Z313 Speaker System Thank You. Monitor: http://www.amazon.com/MX279H-1920x1080-AH-IPS-Back-lit-Monitor/dp/B00B17C5KO/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1449891887&sr=1-2&keywords=monitor&refinements=p_n_size_browse-bin%3A3547808011%7C3547807011 Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-980-000382-Z313-Speaker-System/dp/B002HWRZ2K/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1449893233&sr=1-2&keywords=speakers