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  1. Don't think there's any hope for this... this sounds great though. That's the right direction to move in. Also interested in the Mac Mini, I mostly agree with Linus in that these were great.
  2. I noticed that for the 20XX series cards, under MSI's B tier selections there's the gaming (X) trio board. I found this Super Gaming (X) definitely not trio card on amazon, does anyone know where it would fit into the tier list?
  3. I don't have a dust filter on my intake fan. It's like 5 dollars on demcifilter, but I'm too lazy.
  4. A bit disappointing that it both costs more and performs worse than other solutions, but I think I agree with your conclusion. At this moment, this product is basically just a Corsair fashion statement. I wonder how it would perform if you slapped Noctua's 120mm fans on it and 3d printed a shroud to slide them onto Corsair's mechanism? Of course, you're killing the price/performance (and much of the point of this product) in the meantime, but it could be interesting,
  5. I've been using Linux as my main system for about 5 years now; I just found out about this thread on the LTT forum (I haven't been here in a while). I'd be remiss if I didn't add a few anecdotes about Linux here, they might have already been said. Personally, I switched over to Linux because I'm a scientist (computational mathematics), and the development environment is so much more mature on Linux than any other platform. Installing tools via package managers is a much better experience than Windows Download+Install style for maintaining your environment, and (from what I hear from other colleagues on Mac systems) a much better time than Brew. With Linux, you have a much lower-level access point to your system, which is important for people like me whose job is essentially to stretch the limit of what a computer can do. There's a reason why supercomputers run Linux. Yes, gaming on Linux is a drag as compared to Windows. I maintain that this is mostly a function of Windows being more popular during the advent of major game engines, and the Linux community being much more fragmented back then. As of now, developing for Linux is not nearly as bad of an experience, and tools like Proton make it so that you might not even need to go through that! I game a lot in my off time, mainly titles like Kingdom Come Deliverance, the Witcher series, Skyrim, etc. you get the jist. I haven't encountered any titles I wasn't able to get running through proton (though I do admit I did have to trudge around a bit to get some working). Finally, my last reasoning for using Linux, over Windows specifically, is the GUI. This a bit contrarian, but whenever I do have to use Windows, it's so difficult to customize to desires as compared to the many desktop environments available to Linux. Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Budgie, etc. For pretty much whatever you desire to have, you can find it. And if you can't, you can build it; go to /r/unixporn for a few examples. Personally I'm on Gnome, and I can cleanly say that the workspaces, search "bar", and even file management are strong wins for Gnome. This is subjective, I'm aware, but it's always a jarring experience when I look back. A couple of more miscellaneous pros include strong performance on weaker hardware, and the fact that it's FREE. $100 is not cheap (and although I know you can get Windows for free, as the old adage goes 'if you're not paying for the product you are the product'. I highly doubt any non-telemetry toggles function as they say they do on the non-activated version). Oh and something like that wouldn't fly on Linux, because it's open source. No way that gets pushed into the Kernel. In short, for me, Linux does development better than both MacOS and Windows, and in terms of basic desktop usage, it feels better to me than Windows (MacOS is comparable or better imo). Gaming is still obviously a Windows win, but you would be surprised exactly how much is playable on Linux, and it's getting better day by day. At least for my desktop, Linux is the clear choice. For my low power laptop basically just for web browsing and text editing, I'd say I'd be equally alright with both Linux or MacOS, and at that point my wallet chose for me. I look forward to the video! LTT typically does a good job, and especially with Anthony on the team (and with the occasional collab. with Level1Techs) I feel good about this video. I'm aware that Linux probably isn't the solution for every user, but I'm certain that it is the solution for many that don't currently use it.
  6. Just remembered: Would a sound card/ amp be necessary to run these. I know the 598's have a 6.3mm jack, but they come with an converter. I currently have the Realtek ALC898 audio chipset
  7. Upgrading from my previous crap gaming headset, I would like to go with something alot more quality. Currently I have my eyes set upon a sennheiser 598. My current problem is the sound leak. I, myself do not have a problem with it, but I am concerned that If I were to get a, say antlion modmic to accompany it, would the mic pick up my headset's noise. This also brings me into my second question, which is, will an Antion modmic be compatible with the sennheiser 598, in the regard that it will not pick up all of the noise. If so, what other stand alone mic can I get to within the same proce range. These will be used as my go to setup, for just about everything
  8. Due to the release of the new 770, which is essentially a 680 at 400 dollar price point I have to ask myself, is it worth buying a 7950, or to pitch forward for a 770. My setup is two 1080p displays and my games generally run from various mmorpg's, witcher series, and all the rts'. The game bundle does not affect me, and honestly I don't care for it. I guess really my question is: Is a 7950 still competitive with newer gen GPU's such as the 770 or even the upcoming 9000 series? Thanks all EDIT: I guess its worth Noting my sytem's current GPU which is a 550ti. Yeah, upgrade needed please
  9. Xigmatec dark night hawk has my reccomendation as well. For a normal low end, but still quieter, a hyper 212 cannot go wrong
  10. Thanks for your help, I didn't realize there was a 16:10 monitor i my price range and criteria. Btw, how would I use the speakers if there is no HDMI to input audio? Anyway, probably the best choice, thanks again.
  11. Hello everyone, and thanks for helping me with this. Currently, I have an Acer H236HL and am looking to put a second monitor next to it in portrait mode for maximum efficiency. What do I need to know, what is the best resolution/ screen size for a such monitor, when pairing it up with mine. Currently i am looking at either: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236292 OR http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260054 Any suggestions, Tips? Thanks again everyone.
  12. I hear the new Sentry Mix 2 by NZXT is pretty good.
  13. I love the blue and white scheme, adds a *purity* like feel to it. Kind of a light side. Currently my build has components with blue themes, aka msi mobo, blue corsair dominator, and various white components, nzxt havik 140, storm stryker and white LEDs. Other great options would include a plain white, plain black, black/white and black and yellow.
  14. The reason why this is so appealing to me is the fact that it ihas a SATA port. Completely changes the game.
  15. Honestly I really like this method. Only think i would do would be to increase the cycle just a bit, for example, run one card for entire one generation, add second at the introduction of the second generation, and then finally upgrade to the newest generation after two have passed.