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Everything posted by codytappen

  1. Innovations in battery technology? Sign me up. Edit:$3,256,886 raised with thirty days to go. I think just might get enough funding.
  2. No reason to wait, as the improvements of DDR4 will come at a cost of latency. The (foreseeable) perceivable performance difference isn't worth waiting more than a month for in my book. To summarize, DDR4 is still a little ways off, and waiting for it would probably be pointless. Also, it's strange to give advice to someone who is an aerospace engineer, I feel like it's above me.
  3. I hope this turns out. I had the same idea a few months ago but never had the skill or ambition to make it a reality. When I was originally thinking about making it I wanted to make one of the story Josh from Fractal Design; he accidentally sprayed pepper spray in a crowded Mc.Donalds and it was the funniest story I'd ever heard. If you'd look into that story I'm sure it's worth it's own adventure.
  4. I hate being constrained on the security of my password Google. Give me at least 1000 characters.
  5. "Microsoft will buy out Razer to avoid a legal battle."-Codytappen's Crazy Theory Guy.
  6. and I'm sure he exaggerates emotion in videos. What do people expect though? Unless all you care about is game-play it would be incredibly boring to watch him sit quietly and play games. The goal of let's plays are to have fun commentary, if not every emotion is entirely realistic it's only because the LPer is trying to keep the commentary interesting. Being 'fake', acting if you will, is fine by my standards. I've listed them in this thread already but in my opinion: Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, and Amnesia. He does lot's of fun one off stuff though, and to find that just look at whatever has a cool name.
  7. Threats come with the territory of being famous, so yes, she has. Nothing serious has ever actually occurred though. I can understand distaste for screaming but I find it real so I can enjoy it.
  8. Fair enough, if you don't see the appeal of his comedy it'd be hard to understand why so many people subscribe to him. Example: I for one can't stand Toby Turners personality, but I see that many others gravitate towards him and his humor, it's just not for me.Note: His password rant video was genius though.
  9. I do not claim that what I'm saying is fact, I claim the opposite. I'm not irritated that people don't agree with me and state their opinion; I only wish to extrapolate their reasoning and motives to better understand or revise my own views, and I hope the same is true for them. I also didn't say that people couldn't enjoy slice of life, I said that people who don't probably wouldn't love MLP.
  10. Cool. Well obviously a lot of people like the videos he makes. While you may not feel like he deserves it others, like myself, think he deserves it more than Smosh does at this point. What stuff of his have you watched that you find rather annoying? He's definitely made his missteps. As for the Youtubers who interact with their fans more, I'd like to see some people who actually do. I think that it's impossible for him to talk to every fan (10 million subs at this point), it would be like trying to meet the entire population of New York (2 million more actually) while still putting out videos. I find that he does what is feasible for audience interaction.
  11. I've watched a pretty good deal of stuff Time (Days) 40.6 Watching 2 Completed 79 On Hold 9 Dropped 6 Plan to Watch 3 Total Entries 99 so it's hard to pick favorites but I can try can't I? Nichijou FMA:B Code Geass (seasons one and two) School Rumble Soul Eater Gurren Lagann Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (Ni which is the second season) Angel Beats Steins:Gate Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai) Sword Art Online Toradora! Trigun Spice and Wolf Well that's a long list, but they're all great shows.
  12. Got some summer projects to finish up, but I've done most of my vacationing for the summer. I'll probably go out wakeboarding or wakesurfing a few times, I guess that's all.
  13. Umm, okay, I'm not sure you want an answer. I do prefer him without as many of the screeches, and I like that he's stopped saying rape all the time. So yes I like now him better than I did if that's what you're asking. For Fitzthistlewits, the video of his you linked to is a game review, by no means is it a let's play. A let's play is game-play with live commentary; I see that Fitsthistlewitz has a few let's plays but those aren't what you linked me to. I don't think PewDiePie is the best thing ever, but I enjoy a lots of his content. People hating Justin Beiber didn't make sense by the way; Justin Beiber became legitimately popular making his own music, and I would commend him for that. None of that means that I like Justin Beiber (I dislike his music), it just means I respect him for what he is. Although he's easier to hate now that the news is focusing on how much of an asshole he is (he appears to have become or always have been an enormous dick). Anyway, I'm not questioning why people don't like PewDiePie; I'm a fan trying to explain the reason I identify as his fan. My goal wasn't to plague anyone. I have stated my goal several times. I saw others having fun making AMAs so I wanted to try doing one, and I found two things I could make an AMA about. Well good on you then. Do you have a question?
  14. If you had asked it like that it would have been easier for me to answer. As it stood it seemed like an insult towards me for enjoying it so I figured you were done discussing it. Onto the appeal, I've already affirmed that I'm personally comfortable watching shows that might be considered girly or childish because if the show is good enough, it doesn't matter what others think of it. The animation quality of MLP is very high to say the least; the animation is fluid, and there are never any noticeable quality cuts (happens much too often in many anime and hand drawn animations). The slice of life conflict is well mixed with comedy, especially compared to most slice of life shows that don't even pretend to carry a semblance of a conflict. The musical numbers in the show are fantastic rivaling Phineas and Ferb for music in modern cartoons (Phineas and Ferb has better music whereas MLP's choreography is superior). The characters are complex and well written, specifically for female characters in American cartoons. The vast majority of the show is well written (there are two poorly written episodes) and flows well. The concepts and ideals conveyed in the MLP universe, it's stories, and it's characters are positive and uplifting. In the end if you wouldn't want to watch anything slice of life you couldn't like MLP because that's the type of show it is, but if you can enjoy slice of life (like me) it's a fantastic series. Note: I speak in this like what I am saying is fact; I'm sure you're aware it's not. I just wanted to say I'm not claiming it is.
  15. Psych, Monk, School Rumble, The Walking Dead.
  16. Dispute is part of good discussion. Talking without a point to make is worthless. If you discuss anything you are bringing it to light by sharing your insight and information that you have, and if you can't persuade someone to listen to, care about, or agree with what you are saying you are fighting an impossible battle. This is what happened in the comment string you replied to. I have not failed by trying to change opinion, I have failed by having information, arguments, and opinions that are disregarded by @Lyons. The only failure would be if I had tried to change fact; opinion can and should be changed.
  17. I clearly am unable to persuade you to change your views. I'll wait for more questions to answer.
  18. I thought you agreed that you drew the line at anime, anime are cartoons. If you don't even like that then there's not much else I can say. I enjoy animation and you do not. I am not facing a problem. I am not extrapolating any meaning to justify why I like My Little Pony; what meaning have I extrapolated? Even if I was however, it wouldn't matter because if there's meaning that I'm reading into something the meaning is there (intentional or otherwise). I would be enjoying the meaning I read into it, so why can't that be part of a justification? I understand that people dislike animation; I won't try to fight you about it's merits. Thanks for the apology, you did come of sorta' harsh.
  19. If you're obnoxious you could get punched in the mouth (although battery is a serious crime). I personally don't run around IRL or on Facebook telling people I love ponies (well this AMA is essentially that, but I wanted to try an AMA so whatever), but it is a prominent interest of mine so I wouldn't try to hide it or be ashamed of it. If it's a 'good and funny show' why would you care that some guy ran around saying he loved Pinkie Pie? It doesn't make sense to me. I don't quite see why. Why can't other countries make good cartoons worthy of your praise or enjoyment? I'm not sure that's a question, but if I were to try to answer/correct it I would change anime to Otaku (if you want it not to have negative connotation) or Weeaboos (if you do want it to have negative connotation). Also I'm not sure why gay people are on a list of fan groups....Maybe you could put LTT fans at the top ;)
  20. Are LLT embedded YouTube videos broken for everyone else? When I play them they sound like they've gone through a terrible filter, and they're mostly unintelligible. Edit: Looks like I just had to update FireFox.
  21. Yes, I do. Not too much American TV though, only Psych, the Walking Dead (haven't watched season three yet), and Game of Thrones (just started last week). If you count American cartoons other than MLP, I watch Adventure Time. I also watch ton of internet content. Note: I usually prefer animation to live action.
  22. Well it seems like the audio for Youtube videos on the forum is broken because I had to go to Youtube for it to sound like it hadn't been run through a strange filter. Anyway the video seems kinda boring to me, I guess it makes me slightly insecure of my tastes, but that quickly fades.
  23. The term is used to refer to someone who watches the show My Little Pony outside of it's target demographic, but it's mostly used now describe anyone as being a part of the MLP fandom. Think Trekkie
  24. As a man that's comfortable watching stuff like School Rumble, Nichijou, Sgt. Frog, Sponge Bob, and some Magical Girl anime I don't think that it's unreasonable that I like a kids show more than some kids do. Take Sgt. Frog for example, the shows target audience was 4-11 year Japanese kids or even Sponge Bob, it's not necessarily targeted at me but I can still enjoy it.