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Everything posted by virtualTune

  1. sadly that is already unchecked, but thanks for trying to help.
  2. since the mods didn't seem to like my original reply I'll try again. Can you please read the original post again? I specifically said that this is not the problem at hand. Also in the Future, please always read the entire post. You might only try to help but you are putting other peoples health at risk if you post like that.
  3. inb4, no I am not asking how to keep Skype from lowering the volume of all apps when I get a call. It is one of the first things I change with every new OS Install. It is really annoying though, when my partner is talking and all other sounds like Musik or Videos are lowered to like 80%. I checked the Skype Settings but couldn't find anything. Any Idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance! -vT
  4. " The NDA on the reviews for the GTX 1080 lifts on the 17th of May" according to our beloved friends at wccftech.
  5. alright i'll try that then. Thanks for the help and congraz on the 1234 posts
  6. is that a guess or are you sure this will work?
  7. So I have the Ideapad 100 and I want to use the Zalman mic cause the build-in one sucks. Problem is the Ideapad only has one jack for both mic and audio. As soon as I plug in the mic, the speakers stop working. Any ideas how to fix this? -vT
  8. in der luft aus meiner hydra geschmissen -.-
  9. virtualTune

    Apparently my number is in a sex service ads ma…

    So what kind of services do you provide? :D
  10. virtualTune

    http://i.imgur.com/yW01dVj.png New record, plea…

    it doesnt say anything about the voltage
  11. ich hab da vielleicht jemand
  12. du bist ein bisschen hinter her
  13. I actually have a similar probelm. Anyone got any ideas how to fix it?
  14. Hey guys, as of recently I have an issue where all available audio devices, in my case my monitors and headset, are enabled after reboot. In an effort to solve this issue, I deleted the Nvidia Miracast Audio and High Definition Audio entirely from the Device Manager (sorry for the German in the screenshots). As you can see in the Event Log, as soon as the PC boots again, the drivers are installed again and the Nvidia Audio Devices, the monitors, enabled again. (btw. when I last updated my GPU Driver, I did a fresh install and only installed the Graphics driver) Any Ideas on how to solve this rather frustrating issue? Thanks in Advance
  15. not relevant to the conversation anymore, but either way I can not recommend Corsair Cases.
  16. finde man haette da ruhig noch was drumbauen koennen dass der leufter hinten nicht so fehl am platz aussieht. einfach das case etwas nach hinten rausziehen, dass man das teil nur von hinten sieht