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  1. 1.whenever my brother can't load a YouTube video on his iPhone from the basement in 10 seconds then he comes pounding up the stairs and demands that I stop doing what ever I'm doing because whatever youtuber that's playing gtav is more important than my video chat about school work or project the worst part is my parents usually agree with him and force me to leave my important work in that instant. His excuse he uses to get them on his side is "he's taking up all the wifi" or "you can do it later" which is usually not true and my personal favorite " his computer is more important to the wifi box" 2. My brother also believes that the better the graphics are the more internet the computer uses because the server sends images to the computer even if the game is offline. 3. My dad who that the reason that his 11 year old laptop runs so slow is " you guy's loaded so many games on this it clogs it up" but it's not the fact that we only actually downloaded 4 games (which is irrelevant) or the fact they refuse to log out and only switch user ( which literally goes on for two years before I fix it) or that he never let's me clean it for him even though I have offered any times At least one of these things happens daily None of them believe me when I correct them pls help
  2. user name: chriss2534 favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1and https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy
  3. user name: chriss2534 favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1and https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy