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Everything posted by Jarsky

  1. Excellent, don't forget to mark it as the solution
  2. A local NTP server is pointless for home use. Just use one of your local ntp.org pools. There are already companies that contribute to the ntp.org project. Such as Universities, Datacentres, and Infrastructure like Cloudflare. We have our own NTP servers because we are an ICT and Managed IT company with tens of thousands of server, network, voice and power equipment. I had to replace one over 10 years because it died. But for sure im not bothering to run one at home.
  3. When you say different WiFi networks, are the same hardware but different SSID's with different network subnets (e.g 192.168.1.xx and 192.168.2.xx) ? As already said, if theyre different networks in a LAN, you need a router between the networks so traffic can be negotiated between them.
  4. The common way for deploying exe's via GPO is to create a logon bat script, and use a batch to run your checks and launch the exe. You can use switches to do a silent install (e.g /s or -s) but you probably want to display something to the user as well, so they don't panic when the screen starts flashing black.
  5. I don't think its allowed in the driver for Tesla cards (whic is what the GRID cards are for), but I believe you can work around getting the GRID drivers installed to enable GRID features. Never done it though, and probably not a thing to detail on this forum.
  6. I assume that TrueNAS Scale probably uses the LinuxServer Plex container in Docker, which would have a UID/GID of 1000 by default (not 972) for its 'plex' user which the Plex Media Server will be running as within the container. So I think you're on the right track but need to use the correct UID/GID that matches the user in your container. You can open the shell for your Plex container, run ps aux | grep plex which will show what user Plex Media Server is running as. Then if you run id <username> (e.g id plex) then it will give you the ID numbers of the user. So in your TrueNAS, you want to create a user with the same ID number (you might want to call it something generic like 'media' if youre going to have multiple containers with Read/Write). Then in your dataset, you want to edit the permissions. Enable/Set ACL would be advisable. Then set the permissions, and set the owner to the new user you created. If you're using SMB I think you can select for it to use the dataset permissions if ACL is enabled. Then just restart the SMB, and it should be working.
  7. This sounds like it should be in Networking forum not Servers. But as others have stated, please provide detail of the setup for a more specific answer. I'm going to assume you're not talking about different LANs, and are trying to connect to one over the internet? Keep in mind the VNC port needs to be open on the firewall, and port forwarded on the receiving end. If it is a LAN, then you need to make sure you setup routing between your LAN's, and have opened any ports on your firewall (if you have one) between the networks.
  8. thats been the last 2 pages of discussion, and its posted in the announcement at the top of the thread...
  9. It looks like a permission issue. Most probably the dataset is owned by root, and plex is running as a user. You need to adjust the ACLs on the dataset to give the plex user or group access.
  10. I don't watch any apart from LTT's own "Message from their Sponsor" because I have Premium . But my point was directed at the OP i quoted.
  11. This sounds like you're complaining about free content? I highly doubt that they reupload backups as it loses all their metrics. My understanding on YouTube is that videos arent actually deleted straight away. They're just marked as deleted and removed, much like a recycle bin. So YouTube can restore the content. Regardless, YouTube would also have their own backups which would include database and everything about your account.
  12. 2FA isnt infallable, it just makes it more difficult. If someone logs in on a network such as a masquerading wifi, and does their 2FA, then a MITM can be done to capture the session cookie data post-auth and boom. Theres plenty of ways to get around 2FA. But yeah, either they have got access to someones device with privileges on the channels, or someone has fallen into being connected to one of these networks. This is also why its bad to have WiFi in businesses that can reach outside which are on the main VLAN...because WPA2 is still susceptible to wifi phishing.
  13. Did you unplug it from the AC Power? The CMOS will still retain power if you haven't unplugged it from the wall as well
  14. Ive not delved into machine learning. But have you considered 2 machines with 4GPU's each, with something like EPYC 7302P's? CPU: https://www.ebay.com/itm/133943650245 Motherboard: https://www.ebay.com/itm/364181116025
  15. My final year was 2000. First camera phones only released in 2000 My first phone with a camera was the Vodafone Flip (Sharp GX10) in 2002, then shortly after the Nokia 3650 then Nokia 6600. Most feature phones were pretty rubbish for photos/video until the iPhone in 2007 (my first smartphone was the iPhone 3G in 2008)
  16. When I was at school, you were a baller if you had a phone with more than an Alphanumeric LCD and Monophonic Ringtone. The most advanced features back then was Snake (if you had a Nokia), and SMS texting with 160 characters. Thts y talkn lyk dis bcme a thng & snding emojis lyk
  17. I'm assuming when we're talking about performance, that this is for backups or something and its write performance we're focusing on? On the TrueNAS server, with the Dataset that backs the NFS share try setting sync=disabled.
  18. You can use the HD graphics on your 10900K to do this. If Plex is in a VM, in your BIOS you can generally enable IOMMU and then your Intel UHD graphics should be in its own VGA Controller group which you can assign to the VM. If you're using Plex in a Docker, then you can also passthrough the Graphics to the docker container
  19. I'm on a Samsung S95B. It runs Tizen 6.5 I believe. I've so far only had one crash in 4 months, but the more common one I get is an audio sync issue. If i close the Plex app and restart it, then it comes right and is fine. Doesn't do it on any others of my home devices (Samsung RU7100 75", My PC with Windows Plex App, Android mobile Plex App, etc...) I'd say report it in Plex Forums but I rarely get traction on my reports.
  20. Stay away from Pseudo onboard RAID where possible for the above reasons. As for mdadm (mdraid or "Linux Raid). sdX are your block devices. mdX is your virtual device. aka your "RAID". So you want to mount the /dev/mdX device. Depending on your distro this could be md0, md1, or md2...just look for the large partition. To manually build a Mirror with MDADM: Find your devices lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,FSTYPE,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT Create your RAID device sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc Create your Filesystem sudo mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/md0 Create a mount point, and mount it sudo mkdir -p /mnt/mymirror sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/mymirror You should now see your new mount sudo df -h Add the mount to your FSTAB to make the mount persistent echo '/dev/md0 /mnt/mymirror ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab You might also consider using ZFS instead to create your storage. It has more features so is far more resilient, and it is both the RAID and Filesystem in one. Heres an example of setting up a basic ZFS with a single Dataset and default configuration. Find your devices lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,FSTYPE,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT Create your mirrored storage pool zpool create mymirror mirror sdb sdc Check the pool status, and you can view the properties of your ZFS such as the mountpoint zpool status -v mymirror sudo zfs get all If you want to change the mountpoint, you can additionally do as below sudo mkdir -p /mnt/mymirror sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/mymirror
  21. I would ask yourself. Do you even need a NAS? It sounds like you primarily use the storage for video editing. It's going to be a lot slower transferring files across the network to the NAS than just having the disks local. Just a couple of big ~14TB drives Or is this going to be like an archival / backup storage?
  22. Tested it on my 3080Ti with Windows 11 and theres definately something funky going on. Full system specs are in my signature. But heres a quick dirty graph that shows my finding watching a variety of videos through YouTube. Using the latest release of Google Chrome. Theres definately a massive efficiency issue with VSR enabled. Also, not sure what I think about using it when trying to watch old sports games (NRL, Rugby, Soccer aka the real Football). It looks much sharper but for wider shots with all the green, there is a lot of smearing. Edit: The footage in this video VSR worked really well for testing. Especially in the 720p upscale
  23. Used server gear is a whole other barrel of fish. We're talking machines with server boards designed for 8-16 DIMM's or more, often with dual socket CPU's running old Nehalem and Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPU's. Dedicated HBA/Raid cards, multi port ethernet nic's, OOBM hardware, disk backplanes, etc.... And yeah they do draw a hefty load even at idle. But this we're talking about 11th Gen with efficiency cores and consumer hardware. Yeah NAS units are often even more efficient given theyre typically SoC (e.g ARM) with a Flex PSU, but a good one also costs more in upfront cost than what this system probably would. At least my understanding is he isnt parts hunting to build, but hes found a used system which he's given us the specs on. Theres honestly such little efficiency difference in a low spec system between a non-rated or bronze PSU, and a Gold+ its not really worth worrying about from a power cost perspective. As long as its reliable and doesnt put out ripple.
  24. Don't really see how this can be called 'over specced'. If hes going to be running test webservers (which tells me he does some web dev...so might be using like ReactJS, SQL, PHP, etc...) and without knowing what these dockers are. An i5 seems a good fit for something thats multipurpose, as it gives you room for running some heavier workloads occasionally. For the media server if you decide to use Hardware transcoding (requires Plex Pass, or Emby Premiere..or Jellyfin is free), then a 10th Gen Intel or newer is ideal with its great video encoder in its iris graphics. This is also more power efficient if you need transcoding. The SSD would also be ideal for running the containers and any VM's that the OP might want to so theyre responsive. 1TB is also quite the sweet spot for capacity / price. I would go for it if its priced right... Wouldn't be any point to buy a 2.5gbE card if you havnt got one already
  25. I assume by 'tunneled' you're referring to you've configured your Domain with your IP address....and possibly enabled DNS Proxy? As @LIGISTX referred to, they also have Cloudflare Tunnel which can be used via the Cloudflared client. It can be used to tunnel and secure traffic very much like a VPN. Heres a basic overview of it As far as UnRAID. It doesnt need a seperate interface. Just create a seperate share for the folder you want to restrict them to, set up a user, and make it a hidden share if you dont want it visible to people on your network. Heres how to install the Cloudflared container in UnRAID: