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  1. 4th video says, private for me, welp that kinda sucks and BOY AM I EXCITED for the ASUS ROG products coming out!
  2. Agreed, I think a little monetization would be nice for him and I don't really mind the ads until they start taking up the bulk of the screen.
  3. Anyone up for some DotA 2?
  4. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and FAULTS They threw a legacy down a toilet... :/
  5. Ooooh! Glenwing's gotta a lady ;)
  6. Here's my twitter and face book posts! https://www.facebook.com/?sk=nf https://twitter.com/toirealm
  7. Dayum! That PC is similar to the one I was gonna build for $2000 in a year or two (gotta save up), but it'd be cool if I could win it or some hardware to help me save! Either way, another great giveaway and I wish everyone luck!
  8. How is this? http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZGvt
  9. Update: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZwiK How's that?
  10. http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZutM I am wondering whether all these parts are compatible with the case and each other. If not I can choose another case, but I just really love that case. Also if you know any cheaper alternatives, I'm up for it as it is my first PC build and the cheaper, the better, but I do want good performance. EDIT: I also need to get a monitor and I'm thinking of buying the Steelseries Apex RAW gaming keyboard, so yeah.
  11. Oh, it's you...

  12. Wow, amazing work! I really wish I could do something like that. Instead I'll just say that I wish I could buy one like that.
  13. Perhaps Counter Strike and the rest of the series. Besides that I loved Combat Arms and Alliance of Valiant Arms.
  14. The kingdom hearts series, Gears of Wars, Shadow of Colossus, Final Fantasy, Duck hunt and maybe even Super Mario 64! :D
  15. The last of us anyone?