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  1. I recently built my PC, here are the parts : http://imgur.com/WXblvSL My problem is that my CPU isn't performing. In my bios my CPU says its set to 4GHz and in device manager it also says its at 4ghz. I noticed that my games weren't playing aswell as they should've and that my render times were really bad so i ran some tests. In cinebench R15 my CPU got a score of 160cb : http://imgur.com/ixiI89Z I then wanted to see the temperatures and speeds of the cores while rendering the cinebench and thats when I began to panic, I saw the clock speeds not peaking above 798MHz and the CPU was at 100% and the temps were around 28-30C. IDLE : http://imgur.com/OnlT8jv LOAD: http://imgur.com/CWnMtBk I then went into the BIOS and i made sure the cpu speed was set to 4000mhz and it was but in hardware monitor its set to 798mhz.
  2. Here is what i now have PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£196.14 @ Scan.co.uk) CPU Cooler: Arctic Cooling Freezer i11 74.0 CFM CPU Cooler (£15.98 @ Novatech) Motherboard: ASRock H97 PRO4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£68.36 @ Scan.co.uk) Memory: Kingston Beast 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£68.18 @ CCL Computers) Storage: Sandisk SSD PLUS 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£34.98 @ Dabs) Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£53.94 @ Aria PC) Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 4GB Video Card (£178.98 @ Amazon UK) Case: BitFenix Neos Black ATX Mid Tower Case (£28.31 @ Aria PC) Power Supply: XFX TS 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply (£37.99 @ Amazon UK) Other: windows 7 professional 32 64 bit (£46.00) Total: £728.86 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-13 19:46 BST+0100
  3. is this alot better? PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£196.14 @ Scan.co.uk) CPU Cooler: Arctic Cooling Freezer i11 74.0 CFM CPU Cooler (£15.98 @ Novatech) Motherboard: ASRock H97 PRO4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£68.36 @ Scan.co.uk) Memory: Kingston Beast 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£68.18 @ CCL Computers) Storage: Sandisk SSD PLUS 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£34.98 @ Dabs) Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£53.94 @ Aria PC) Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 4GB Video Card (£178.98 @ Amazon UK) Case: BitFenix Neos Black ATX Mid Tower Case (£28.31 @ Aria PC) Power Supply: XFX TS 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply (£37.99 @ Amazon UK) Other: windows 7 professional 32 64 bit (£46.00) Total: £728.86 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-13 19:23 BST+0100
  4. Thanks man means alot. Im more familair with desktops and i wasnt sure if it was a good laptop or not for the money
  5. New adjustments PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£196.14 @ Scan.co.uk) CPU Cooler: Arctic Cooling Freezer i11 74.0 CFM CPU Cooler (£15.98 @ Novatech) Motherboard: ASRock H97 PRO4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£68.36 @ Scan.co.uk) Memory: Kingston Beast 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£68.18 @ CCL Computers) Storage: Sandisk SSD PLUS 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£34.98 @ Dabs) Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£53.94 @ Aria PC) Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB SuperSC ACX 2.0+ Video Card (£164.29 @ Aria PC) Case: BitFenix Neos Black ATX Mid Tower Case (£28.31 @ Aria PC) Power Supply: XFX TS 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply (£37.99 @ Amazon UK) Other: windows 7 professional 32 64 bit (£46.00) Total: £714.17 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-13 19:05 BST+0100
  6. So my older brother is going to college and he really needs a laptop. He is going to be using a it for notes and programming and using some 3d programs. He was thinking of this laptop as he can spend up to £550 max > http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00Y0LWQD4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE Is this good value for money ? He wants a future proof laptop so he wants alot of ram and an i7 cpu. Also he said he might want to install an SSD in it next year when he gets money will he be able to add an ssd ? Thanks
  7. Thanks a million man <3 dont know how adding an ssd slipped my mind. Althoigh i really like the krait mobo i had as the colors were amazing but ssd is more important. Cheers
  8. So i previously posted a build on this forum and got some feedback. Now i think it is finished. > http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/sW7YD3 This will be used for streaming games at medium to high settings at 720p Gaming on high settings hopefully ( DAYZ, MINECRAFT, GMOD ) Rendering Videos in After Effects and Sony Vega Using Photoshop and other programs
  9. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/sW7YD3 There i have completed what i want. I have an old monitor at home that i can use until i get the money to buy a good one.
  10. Apart from that is it good? Should i be going for an i7 or something?
  11. So i got someone on reddit to make me a parts list for an editing PC within £700. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/fv3zTW This is what i got. Is this good and will it be okay for editing video, rendering and gaming?
  12. Dont think i will over clock as im new to PC building and don want to take the risks but im in ireland and its really cold here so i might OC like 0.1Ghz
  13. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/jcmtqs Is this a good build so for what i want? I will be playing games like minecraft/gmod and edting videos and streaming minecraft and photoshop