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Everything posted by jonasa97

  1. Dayum, GPU Emancipation declaration right there.
  2. I have a GTX770 2GB with a 1440p monitor and I'm happy.
  3. Hello, I am totally inexperienced in the field of audio. I currently have headphones, however, I'd like to know what kind of a speaker gaming surround system I could get for around 200 euros. Thanks in advance. Please explain why you chose the one you post. I repeat. I already have headphones, I want speakers!
  4. When are they starting them up again?
  5. Hi, The BETA supposedly launched 3 hours ago and I still can't see BF4 in my games. Does anyone have a clue how to fix?
  6. Consider that BETAs are often OLD builds of the game. DICE probably has everything figured out already. I'm also lagging btw.
  7. I have a Corsair PSU, H100i and RAM. Had to RMA the H100i but I gotta say I was impressed. It was back in just 7 days.
  8. I love it how everyone is munching up these news. If it was really to be so, then why did no one ever come up with this before in the past I don't know how many years.
  9. Do you guys really think that NVidia didnt't see this coming and are going to be overrun by 150% in performance? The alpha benchmarks clearly showed that NVidia cards owned AMD cards. Now I suppose that Mantle was already in development back then... Don't you think that DICE would make so many NVidia owners their enemies if NVidia cards couldn't run the game properly?! AMD might get a few frames more at launch but sooner or later it will be on the same level again.
  10. i know the temptation of getting a 2011 is big, but spending on an i7 4770K and 2 nice GPUs will probably grant you BETTER frames. (unless you do rendering and editing). You can change the title name by clicking on edit then "Use Full Editor"
  11. Naw. the technology apparently really exists to make "144+Hz" panels in which the display itself guesses frames in between actual frames. Apparently it's very blurry.
  12. So here is what I got. 400W maximum. Considering it's always consuming 400W, 400W/1KW/h. 0.4x 12pence. That then 5 pence/h. Average usage estimate 5 hours. 25 pence a day. is then about 91 pounds IF you use it for gaming all the time. If you are not ingame you will more likely consume 200W. EDITS: If I were you I would take out the GPU since it doesn't help a server afaik. This will cut down the power costs by a little. If you could tell us how much the system consumes in everyday usage we could easily calculate how much it consumes in a year.
  13. 1 where do you live :>. No seriously. prices differ by so much in different countries. 2 how long do you use it on average per day? 3 do you have your components overclocked.
  14. EA'd. Try logging out of origin AND battlelog then try relaunching battlelog. If that fails, WAIT. I had these problems too and time solved them.
  15. Will I have to buy a new license ?
  16. Hi, I thought about buying an additional 250GB SSD for my PC. I already have a Samsung 840 250GB and I'd like to know if it would be possible to setup raid 0 between these two drives (samsung 250GB 840 and 840 evo). I would also like to know if that would require me to reinstall windows or if it's possible to transfer the files somehow.
  17. As my signature tells, my GPU is OC'd atm. His was getting unstable at even slight overclocks.
  18. Mine was running at stock at the time. His was running at stock as well. He has an i5 3570K on an MSI MPower with 8GB vengeance blue 2GBx4. My specs are in signature.
  19. Brutal. Did you punch the pump unit a few times after taking out the fan headers?
  20. hmmm unusual. my friend has a 7970 I have a 770 and using my 1440p screen it felt more fluid on my PC. (My GTX770 also got higher minimum framerate while testing bf3)
  21. DONT GET AN NVIDIA FOR 2 DISPLAYS. As far as I know you will be able to use them both and move things around but you won't be able to run applications like games on both. (you need 3 for that). This makes the 7970 the obvious choice or for more patient people a 9970.
  22. I see an error there, 7970<770<7850CF... fixed.