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Everything posted by TheGhzGuy

  1. About as accurate as your grandmother telling you how to operate a smartphone and how said phone functions.
  2. TheGhzGuy

    I'm really hoping I can score a 1060 6gb on eBa…

    That's really cool! I haven't the slightest idea how one does that though Are the AMD cards any good for it?
  3. TheGhzGuy

    I'm really hoping I can score a 1060 6gb on eBa…

    You'll probably find one for even less, actually. What will that deep learning be used for?
  4. TheGhzGuy

    Very happy with my ISP. They support Net Neutra…

    (To clarify, I don't use them, I use Verizon)
  5. TheGhzGuy

    Very happy with my ISP. They support Net Neutra…

    I have a local ISP but the customer service is ass. So are the speeds.
  6. TheGhzGuy

    There's a fuckin world emoji day? i thought we…

    There's pretty much a day for everything at this point. I honestly don't care because I have more important things to get wrapped around the axle over (Eg:Fixing my car, or doing well on the SAT, or getting to work on time)
  7. TheGhzGuy


    There's a Discord for this too, btw
  8. I'm fairly certain you'll have an easier time fixing a mistake (even though it's pretty hard to mess up a Windows install nowadays) than finding a drive that has W10 already on it
  9. Is there a reason you don't want to install it yourself?
  10. DIYPerks has a video on what I think you're talking about. I'd look there first.
  11. Check PCPartPicker.com
  12. BOINC and Linux have just been denying me as of late. Once I solve one issue with the setup, another one pops up. Probably will just try some hanky way of attaching GPUs to laptops. Banggood don't fail me now. 

  13. Some of them do have a port or two.
  14. Thank you for the info. I'll be sure to look at this! (Super helpful even though I didn't ask the question)
  15. TheGhzGuy

    Has AMD forgotten their laptop APUs?

    They still need to launch their desktop ones. I guess they'd come after that?
  16. Soon ™ Probably around August to November is my best guess.
  17. I agree with you wholeheartedly, but you may want to look at the guidelines first.
  18. I bought another GPU.


    I need help.

    1. Tech_Dreamer


      nah fam you need another monitor for them max settings to shine

    2. TheRandomness


      Depends on the GPU though :P

  19. TheGhzGuy

    My shins gave out just as I started to get good…

    I assume the cartilage in there said "Nope, can't do this anymore", or am I misinterpreting?
  20. I am not having much luck in OW again. To be expected, as I'm terrible, but annoying to say the least.

  21. Apparently there's a keylogger in it.
  22. So NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence yesterday. That didn't go too well. 

  23. TheGhzGuy

    It's interesting how bad my ssd choices have ma…

    Makes you wonder which ones are decent and not super expensive.