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  1. The answer is so simple. 900 series cards have the best performance and Zotac really has come up with nice design with the pcb. Thanks to that OC+ feature there is gpu voltage range up to 1.6v, which would be so good for me when I wanted to mount my Kingpin Fat pot on to it.
  2. I'm so excited! Really amazing prices there!
  3. Amazing phones, thanks for organizing this giveaway. Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/juhani.luumi/posts/551483194911660
  4. I really want this cpu! It is a killer. My facebook post! https://www.facebook.com/juhani.luumi/posts/537117133014933
  5. Do not waste your money on titans if you only want to play at 1080p. Even at 1440p two 680s would be much better for your money, even only the 2gb ones. You can buy 4gb ones if you find them for a good price, but my recommendation for you is either two 680s or two 7970s if you want to invest this amount of money in 3D power. I have two 7970s and they offer very good amount of power for 3D applications and are probably the best cards alongside with 7950s for the money. 7970 is as good as 680 in general use and you can get one here in Europe for only 330 euros now! Two 7970s or 680s are better than a single titan and cost much less.
  6. If you just want to game I would definetely recommend getting another 670 and put them in SLI. SLI scales very well and you shouldn't face any issues like micro stuttering or things like that, which were common in the early days. Titan is a waste in my opinion for gaming purposes, especially if you only play at 1080p. Titan is a card for reaching insane benchmark scores or in this case gaming, but in general for using high resolutions in various applications. Another 670 would be my recommend for you. Dual card setups look good and you will save a good amount of money going that road. Besides, two 670s can be as good if not better than a gtx titan!