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Everything posted by Chiobe

  1. It seems I have found my answer: Why more people arent using stuff like this is beyond me.
  2. On one hand so would that be good, as the price pool will most likely go up, but at the same time so would the chance of winning go down, as there are some very skilled people out there. On that note, so would you probally need more then just nice bends on the tubes to win, if the last winners are anything to go by. If that is the plan, that is. Also, is the competition open to everyone who is going to Dreamhack? Would be nice to know, since I'm going my self.
  3. My guess its because they dont think the 240 has enough headroom to cool an GPU as well.
  4. Its a Norway only store, so given you the link wont help. It seems Aqua Computer has an option as well: http://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info.php?products_id=3232 So guess I will have to check which one works best. But it seems Aqua Computer has the leg up, as you can get 100cm led strips.
  5. It seems I'm lucky, as a store near me has it. The only question is how many of the LED strips can be chained together? I have a big case and each unit needs 1 usb header (of the internal version?).
  6. So I can get away with just this: http://www.corsair.com/en/corsair-link-lightning-node ?
  7. I dont have the skills needed to make it, which is why I ask for a product that can do it.
  8. http://www.corsair.com/en/corsair-link/corsair-link-hardware Given that I dont have a Corsair PSU, what would I need?
  9. http://www.roboteched.net/2011/10/arduino-based-computer-temp-sensing.html I came across that info and wondered if there where any product out there that let you do it? After all, having a custom water cooled build where you could tell the temprature just by looking at the light, would be nice. I know there are displays for that, but it wont look as good.
  10. Good point, but I didnt know that they had a championship for PC building/modding. Which is why I though it was gaming related.
  11. So if you had the skills, so could you hack your monitor to support Freesync?
  12. If Intel made there own, so would it probally be called Intel Sync or something like that. So its not as confusing: "Why should I buy an AMD product when I got an Intel product?" and so on. It might be no extra cost to get the software, but it still requires people to make it/intergate it, which costs money.
  13. So its easier to tell which one to get. Plus then they dont have to make the AMD software work with there software.
  14. Why not both? Aldo I have a hard time thinking of something that would max out 2 Intel 750 in Raid 0.
  15. I thought that Dreamhack had there own PC's for that, to prevent cheating and make things fair for all.
  16. To be fair, Intel wants to support VESA Adaptive-Sync, not Freesync. And since VESA Adaptive-Sync is not owned by anyone (in teori), so can Intel make there own version. They havent won the war just because Intel uses VESA Adaptive-Sync, as that only effect the iGPU marked (GPU built into the CPU). Well, they have kind of won that battle, but not the the war. The war will be decided by the entusiast builders, since they are the once who directly or indirecly spreads info about whats "best". (People like Linus).
  17. Giving a list of companies wont help, as we need to know what they made first and then if other companys are even using it.
  18. Chiobe

    Paypal Credit!

    Its https, so you probally need to be logged in to see it.
  19. No companies are willing to spend millions developing something that there rivals can just use for free right after they release it.
  20. I always though that most people had gaming PC's with dedicated GPU's, but guess not: http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/
  21. Intel supporting Adaptive Sync, which is not the same as Freesync, wont mean the death of Gsync as long as Nvidia still has a big enough share of the GPU marked. After all, I cant remember the last time I saw a gaming pc using the GPU build into the CPU. Is there even one that can run high requirement games?
  22. Chiobe

    Is 60Hz enough?

    If everyone had both 60Hz IPS's, so would we not have had 144Hz IPS's today. Low IPS sale = They try something new to get people to buy them.
  23. From what I can tell, so is OP asking for a way to get his CPU cold enough to run a proper test on it. Hence the questions about phase change. The problem is not getting a phase changer, but to prevent condensation from killing your pc. With that in mind, so would I rather get a big case, like 900D, and fill it with radiators. That combined with good high speed fans should keep it cold enough.
  24. Its basicly a radiator that you mount outside your pc, so you migth as well just mount them inside the case (unless its too small to fit a raditor).