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Everything posted by Jaybird

  1. heres some SC wallpapers http://imgur.com/gallery/9h8ix
  2. when you still all about that Star Citizen but your uni studies get in the way. correct answer was google glass.
  3. adult content is fine with me as long as it seems more like an accident vs. "(girl falls over)(pan camera toward ground)(focus lens)"
  4. To be young and watch an anime solely for the tits. Have I grown bored of tits? No. Do I prefer more of a story line? Yes.
  5. What? I wouldn't try that. You'll have casing shapnal everywhere and a bullet flying in some unknown direction. Won't kill you but it may imbed in what ever is in its path.
  6. what ever you say boss. you must be some sort of entrepreneur who makes big bucks every day.
  7. android phones are made in the same factory....
  8. designed by apple in california. made in china. they are built using one of the largest production companies. I dont know which one but I know foxconn has made them before. edit: http://www.macworld.com/article/2012972/foxconn-builds-products-for-many-vendors-but-its-mud-sticks-to-apple.html
  9. I am looking for a mouse that is portable, wireless, and cheap as I will solely be using this in class with programs from autodesk including but not limited to autocad, revit, navisworks. I remember using a Microsoft 5000 mouse back in highschool, 6 years ago. However Amazon shows this same mouse for $50- $123. If anything I could just pick up another refurb corsair m95 for $35 but it isn't wireless. Wireless is mandatory. Let me know what you think.
  10. If you haven't heard of cadex defense, you should. It was love at first sight. http://www.cadexdefence.com/products/cdx-precision-rifles/precision-rifle-lite/
  11. Being in the architecture department at my uni you'll want a fairly beast of a laptop. If your uni is anything like mine they will require some fairly heavy programs.
  12. i got a citation yesterday for out dated registration because the law changed and i had to jump through more hoops. you get used to getting pulled over.
  13. Thanks google; I got cancer. That's what webmd told me.
  14. @MyInnerFred Bulkhead of a Yamato class battleship hit by a U.S ships 16" guns http://imgur.com/gallery/eCkEdXR