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  1. How do I clean just the pump and radiator. It seems like the cpu block is dirty have a hard loop so I would have to build a loop with the the pump and res?
  2. Ok so get new cpu block, add gpu, add primochill for a week, drain then add pastel
  3. Yea I manually jumped it and tested it before. I have mayhem pastel white I plan to add when I get a gpu block
  4. So I shouldn't have taken the block apart that's my fault. Will buy another. And tips on how to clean the loop noticed something black in it.
  5. There seems to be something weird going on in my loop. Does anyone know what this is?
  6. Half way finished but I messed up. I shouldn't have put water in it because it was (filtered) tap water I know it's supposed to be distilled I was eager to see if it leaked. So now I'll have to drain it and add the GPU to the loop later. Any tips? I was thinking hold it over the sink and take out the input while putting in distilled.
  7. Using hard tubing. I think the measuring tape will be closest since I can kinda bend it just not sure it the bend radius will be the same.
  8. I always hear measure twice cut once but how do you measure? I used a measuring tape and guestimate. Is there a better way to do it?
  9. What's the difference between pastel white and mayhem pastel extreme
  10. Who has the best color for liquid cooling? I want white dye ek doesn't have white so I'm wondering who else has ones that are proven good
  11. Buy the heat gun after you have all the parts and return it when you are done. That's what I plan to do.
  12. That sucks guess I'll just flip it and tape the ring to the other side
  13. I bought Corsair SP and AF fans to match my case theme. White and black the SP fans are fine as I'm blowing air out the case but the AF fans also blow air out the case I if I turn them around you can't see the white ring. Do they sell fans that turn the the opposite direction I can use as intake. This seems like a design mishap on Corsairs part they should make both sides able to revive the color ring
  14. I have a Corsair Air 240 and want to water cool it. I have a Ryzen 1700 and plan to get RX Vega when that comes out. I would like to start buying parts until then. Its going to be a white build. I want to do hard tubing (yes i know its hard and bad for first timers). Looking for part recommendations. Not sure where else to shop besides EK. Trying to keep prices as low as possible considering. So far I'm thinking: Black Ice Nemesis 240GTS Ultra Stealth U-Flow Low Profile Radiator - White https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MSMZ9CO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AVGUSX8EUG9VS&psc=1 Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition Twin Pack Fan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007RESG7G/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I83B9TD218ZSN&colid=3AK7WILPB0ZM1 My PC so far https://photos.app.goo.gl/Oz0N0xj9bD9t7Zx43
  15. Sold my GPU so can't use PC currently. It's the Corsair Air 240