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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    My interest for computers is nothing next to my passion for cars.
  • Biography
  • Occupation
    Still in school


  • CPU
    AMD A10-5800k
  • Motherboard
    MSI FM2-A75MA-E35
  • RAM
    2x4GB Corsair XMS3 1600Mhz
  • GPU
    AMD HD7660D (iGPU)
  • Case
    Rosewill Line-M M-ATX case
  • Storage
    Western Digital Blue 1TB 7200RPM
  • PSU
    Rosewill Stallion Series RD500-2SB 500W PSU
  • Sound
    Razer Electra headset
  • Operating System
    Windows 7 Home Premium
  1. Things to note: the iPhone 6S (and 6 as well I think) was water resistant, it didn't have an IP rating because testing methods screen isn't much improved (sadly) all in all, I think it's a really good phone when looking at the specs and stuff just, that missing jack.... I usually defend Apple for decisions that they do (lower res screen, lower CPU cores and so on) but this is just one of the things that Apple do from time to time that I can't defend
  2. username : meh_whatever fav videos : https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy I guess good luck to everyone then :3
  3. http://open.spotify.com/track/1r3fwCqWM8fH7M86Ky7deO
  4. For me a hardcore gamer is one who thoroughly plays games and plays a variety of them A casual gamer for me is one that plays games from time to time (like me)
  5. 2.8GHz Pentium 4 I remember the day I dismantled the computer it powered when I got my parts for my new build lel
  6. Yes and no Yes as in I wouldn't mind buying it, cause it's a brilliant car, and also if I would have a family, it's the car I would definitely have No as in that it's definitely not the first I would buy, especially in that price range. And if you bring the card of ecology, well I believe more in H2 than electricity
  7. Sorta yeah, when I bought my computer parts, they were mostly black and I also wouldn't accept any accent color other than blue
  8. http://youtu.be/jIYGkLuCI2E http://youtu.be/8xIsu5XXe7A http://youtu.be/Dv8fYsd5oAg
  9. Restart is useless since I said I powered it off and in any case, restarted it earlier.Did a factory reset as soon as I updated the phone so no. And by charger, do you mean the cable, the wall plug, or both? I have a spare microUSB but no other plugs..
  10. Alright so, I installed Lollipop yesterday on my Nexus 4 and so far, I'm really liking it (bummed that I still have to put Google Now Launcher to have Material Design on home screen but oh well) Now, my problem is that charging times are really slow. Like reaaaally. Abnormally slow. Example, this morning, when I turned the phone on (it charged all night while being powered off), it was at 89%. Wow. Then when I came back this afternoon, I completely drained it. So then I plugged it and when I came to turn it on an hour and half later, guess what, it was at 37%! Even the charging estimates shows some pretty big charging times So then, I know it's most likely a Lollipop bug but I want to know if there are some people with this problem (apparently not when I quickly searched). Also, are there some things I can do, should I tell Google about it? And before you ask, yes I use the stock USB cable and stock charging brick. Thank you
  11. He meant the customizable thing, not the voice activation itself.And sorry, but I dunno if you can (but I suppose you can)
  12. Uncharted series, that can be absolutely amazing. Other than that, people already gave suggestions I had
  13. newbie

    Sexy cars topic.

    Ah yes, the Vantage Zagato, very sexy car indeed
  14. newbie

    Sexy cars topic.

    Yes I can and I have to thank you for putting an R32 and a Giulia <3