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RGB diffuser!

Does playing DOTA 2 bring your spirits down? Has HotS made you toss your keyboard or mouse in a fit of RAGE?

The RGB diffuser is your continue! 

Added benefits include:

Adding any essential oil to enhance or dull your mood. 

Set an "atmosphere" for you and your special mouse wink wink. 

Complements all of your other RGB equipment! 

Powered by USB, so you'll have one less port for +2 masterracing. 



  1. ARikozuM


    Want to get triggered? 


    I used Windows Movie Maker! 



  2. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @ARikozuM  I'll one up you.


    My most popular YouTube video was made in windows movie maker.


  3. ARikozuM


    I wouldn't doubt it. WMM does everything most users need in a simple package. 
