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    Tech, tech, tech and MOAR TECH !
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    LinusTechTips Twitch Moderator.
  1. i use this http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999171&cm_re=zalman-_-11-999-171-_-Product works very well and looks good
  2. oops, it said it failed posting the thread the first time. i guess it didnt But still, anyone knows the answer to this??
  3. Hello guys, my friend ordered a msi b85-g43 mobo with an i5 4460 and my question will it boot and work? since the b85-g43 doesent support haswell refresh out of the box and needs a bios update? On the msi website it have been realesed a new update for the haswell refresh. Here is an article saying msi 8 series mobo's can do this http://www.msi.com/news/1664.html
  4. I have to ask, why install some linux os when you are going to make it look like windows? why not just install windows??
  5. black sylinder with an apple slapped on it? What is so special?
  6. Yes, the rig in my sig is my main gaming pc. The one ill be building now is an HTPC/Steam In-Home Streaming But hey, thanks for all the answer guys. Going to bed now since it is a "little" late where i am now Done watching WAN show and afterparty! Good night!
  7. Oh it is just to save money Im 14 and cases cost alot more here in norway But if it doesent fit i will order a new case ofc
  8. YES thats what i am looking at man!! Found this mobo wich seems to line up with the acer holes https://www.google.no/search?q=Gigabyte+GA-B85M-D3H&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=d5HAU7f0OafP4QTp2YCgDA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=936#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Tjsjc6ReowdrEM%253A%3B96xqn3Un5uMP9M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgeizhals.at%252Fp%252F950973.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgeizhals.de%252Fgigabyte-ga-b85m-d3h-a950973.html%3B671%3B700 The other two doesent seem to line up perfectly??