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PC owner with questions

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Everything posted by PC owner with questions

  1. well I voted for a processor looking at raw performance numbers so there's that
  2. @sicily428 Thank you for your help I think I'm going to be okay with a 1070 I thought this might be good for my purposes the most demanding game I'm going to play is PUBG so a 1070 can play that just fine at 1080p so ya ...
  3. Can you give me some more options possibly with some more graphics power like 1080 ti I'll be looking too
  4. @sicily428 I want 15" at least 17" might be a little too much but I don't have a budget
  5. PC owner with questions

    First time i've ever cringed at a PC Case , i t…

  6. So I want a laptop and I want it to be somewhat discrete, you know like no overloading RGB or insane amount of red. But I want to be able to play games on it so here's my requirements: i7-7700 HQ something like that 16GB of RAM and at least a GTX 1070 and a 1080P screen I don't care for anything special with the screen THX in advance
  7. You know, its funny how much I use to use this site and now I barely use it at all. I'm coming back yet again, and staying for a little while. :)

    1. Tech_Dreamer


      One of Us! One of Us!

  8. PC owner with questions

    So, Today in Earth Science me and 4 other peopl…

  9. PC owner with questions

    So, Today in Earth Science me and 4 other peopl…

    Dang how much are they
  10. PC owner with questions

    So, Today in Earth Science me and 4 other peopl…

    My school is crazy about technology http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://31.media.tumblr.com/e005ec7dea2c4449a2643e38e20ce9d7/tumblr_inline_mkuws0cy3J1qz4rgp.gif&imgrefurl=http://alittleshelfofheaven.blogspot.com/2015_01_01_archive.html&h=250&w=500&tbnid=AepBwenHvQkV5M:&docid=OYTjB0JJ3m9HpM&ei=PmvSVeqKNY2dyQTgnoeAAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CCAQMygCMAJqFQoTCOqhwOefsccCFY1OkgodYM8BMA
  11. PC owner with questions

    So, Today in Earth Science me and 4 other peopl…

    My school is decent about maintenance and stuff but about a year ago we bought about 25 of these http://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-ThinkCentre-10AY001RUS-i3-4130T-Processor/dp/B00FNQMNCE/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1439853277&sr=1-4&keywords=lenovo+mini+pc
  12. https://pcpartpicker.com/part/razer-mouse-rz0100280100r3u1 EDIT: whoops not for sale anywhere but get a Razer Naga series.
  13. PC owner with questions

    One of the most coolest thing you'll ever see >>

  14. PC owner with questions

    Been modding the shitbox, assembled it, and now…

    @Frankie My PC some times is like a some what friendly, it likes to crash every once in a while. But my laptop is not very cooperative because apparently I had that PCspeedboost virus thing so when ever I wanted to use the internet Task Manager would show me that even just loading the Firefox up it would bounce between 50-100% CPU load. P.S. Call me @PCWQ for short :)
  15. PC owner with questions

    Been modding the shitbox, assembled it, and now…

    @Frankie LOL
  16. I have that card I play everything on high/ultra (at1080p). And it is a quad core so you are good (CPU)
  17. PC owner with questions

    I overheard my mom in the other room say "What…

    your welcome :D
  18. I overheard my mom in the other room say "What was that vine that we liked?" I ran in there only to find out she was talking about plants.

  19. they are similar card but if you are going to buy a card go with Gigabyte GV-R928WF3OC-3GD
  20. PC owner with questions

    Status Update

    @Owade73 https://www.google.com/search?q=but+why+gif&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMI-LjDheXyxgIVSY8NCh0EJgd6&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=QUJG3YmlgZUOrM: @iCD I have no idea how old it is I got into this band about 4 months ago. @MEC-777 :D
  21. PC owner with questions

    Well im off to hell for 3 weeks

    when r you going.