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  1. Cheap, yes, but that's because they are made as servers, not desktops. They typically don't have a graphics card and again, make a lot of noise.
  2. What PowerEdge device are we talking about? Most R-series are pretty loud. They won't need an AC unit, but they are not designed for home use. They are servers and are made as such. They create quite a bit of heat, and they typically haven't got the best GPU support. With that said, I have four PowerEdge R-series devices that I use as servers, so if you have any specific question, shoot. Would be helpful if you posted a bit more details about the system you're looking at though.
  3. Make sure DNS is set correctly. Primary DNS has to be the domain controller for it to work. I would also double check the domain name on the domain controller that it is spelt correctly.
  4. Username: yaricks Favourite Video: https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf And : https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj
  5. I'd love a 5820K. I'm an avid Flightsimulator Enthusiast, and the older flight simulators (FSX/P3D) are really bad at multitasking (streaming) when you have less then 6 cores... This would be PERFECT! :wub:
  6. Thank you! It will be a combination of home and work. It's desk work, so not very active. Iit won't be 8 hours of just straight use, but it is quite a few hours of use in a day. My music playlists are, let's just say very varied. In a day, it's a combination of electronic, via the "top 40s" to movie soundtracks. I've heard the same thing about on-ears as well, and that's my worry about getting them. From what I've heard, it's that it's uncomfortable for more then a little while at a time. Never having owned a pair of on-ears, I don't know myself unfortunately.
  7. Greetings! I'm in the market for a new pair of good over the ear headphones. I have a pair of my day to day ear buds, that are great for every day use, but I need a pair that I use when I work with boring tasks at work for 8 hours a day at times, and need something to listen too. The earbuds work for that, but after two days of 8 hours of listening a day my ears hurt and it's not a plesant situation. I've never really been a huge earphones user, just good, expensive earbuds (Shure SE530 etc), but I'm looking for over or on-ear headphones in the $200-$300 range, but I honestly don't know enough to know what is good out there... What I DO know, is that I want to try to stay as far away from the horrible Beats products as possible. Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!