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  1. I feel that you dont give callers enought time to talk. I feel like your just rushing. Maybe if you made each person feel more special .Rather then just jumping from one to another people would appreciate what your doing more. You need to slow yourself down, not everyone works at your speed. Make each caller feel ike there really apart of what your doing. Give more people/callers more time on the phone with you. Maybe even As there real name if they want to offer that. You need to consider more then just it being your comapany and think of it more as a family.With out people your wouldnt have much of a comapany. This is my opinion. Thanks
  2. First off your the bigger person for taking responsibility . I wouldnt be to hard on your self . You guys do a lot work. I feel they should have also had someone outside the booth to assist you in there product. Or let you in there booth.This is my opinion. keep up the good work
  3. Reminds Me of a skater .