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Everything posted by c00face

  1. This is the build I ended up with. Tell me what you guys think, https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GfhG9N The price is off on pcpartpicker. The ending price including monitor was $3,357.39. The 3080, I was able to pick up for $1,600 total. A lot higher than what I wanted, but I think this last me a few generations and I can swap out some parts if I need to replace.
  2. put back on the working 5700 xt and follow these steps on this reddit
  3. Do the other steps before coming to that conclusion. Read above. You're running the same cables that blew the other card, you trying to blow the rx 5700 too?
  4. the problem is it's not detecting your graphics card. usually it's the pci-e cables and the connector isn't properly connected (common mistake.) the issue is, if he's been gaming all this time with improperly connections, he could of blow his gpu and the gpu is now dead. first test another gpu works (most likely it'll will.) then you'll need to change cables (not swap, not getting the exact one.) when i say change cables, I'm talking a NON-tail cables, one that is rated for the 5600xt and is SINGLE. each of the pin connector must have its own cable connected directly to the PSU rated for the 5600xt. dont use the cable that came with the PSU (common mistake.) remove the HDMI and use a DVI connection to the monitor instead. reseat the GPU, blow off the dust, and then restart to see if it'll work.
  5. remove the rx 5700 xt and use a different gpu that you know works and test it
  6. thanks for the input appreciate it. also, do you think the r5 5600x is sufficient for the 3080? i think i might just have to settle for the 3070. i cant justify the prices for GPU currently.
  7. i failed to mention that im trying to play on 1440p 144hz
  8. yea, im not sure what games youre playing but it sounds like it isnt a triple A game and you didnt set it to high quality. i want to play in 1440p on high settings (not ultra) and even then looking at the benchmarks it can hit roughly 70 FPS to 80 FPS, which is not great. its playable, just not great.
  9. look through all the benchmarks and youll see it's roughly 60 FPS to 70 FPS in most triple A games. the game i want to play in 1440p is New World MMO.
  10. Looking at the benchmarks, it seems like it's struggling at certain titles and if it's not struggling, it's roughly 70-80FPS at best on high quality. I'm debating if I should even consider this for the MMO coming out, New World. I feel stuck because for the price point of $1,250, I just don't think it's worth it at all. What are my options, am I wrong here, do I need to turn down quality settings? I want visual. There's no point playing a nice game with turned down settings, just a huge disappointment.
  11. Yea I think you jacked up your mobo due to wrong flashing. I'm not sure how to flash the mobo properly and sometimes if it flash endlessly, it means its a dud mobo or you jacked it up. I'm not sure how to help there, sorry.
  12. I wouldn't even mess with your bios. Flashing your bios will only cause more problems. Whenever your mobo wont POST, it usually isn't Bios.
  13. Depending where you live, most pc shop can test your mobo for free to see if it's dead or not. The most obvious mistake a lot of people make is having a bad GPU and thinking it's the mobo. I suggest you connect to your mobo to use the integrated graphics and if you can, use DVI instead of HDMI.
  14. Before you do any of this, I want to double check to make sure that you're not on compute mode for your settings.
  15. Sorry for the late response, just been super busy. Change your power limit adjustment range to -25% to 25%. Also I noticed that your device is located on bus 4. Try changing the location of your hardware to a different PCI slot and make sure that PCI slot is rated to draw more power. Your card might of been flashed during service and you'll might need to flash the bios again to change the settings. Note, I'm not responsible to what happens to your card if it goes wrong so do it at your own risk. You'll need to understand that if it doesn't work, I hope you have a backup GPU or plan to flash it back to stock. Here's my rom file (bios) to my RX 570 that I saved from GPU-Z. You'll need to do some research to see how to flash/config your bios for RX 570. Use an application that can view rom files and double check my rom file to see everything is align with the original. If you don't want my rom file, you can use PolarisBiosEditor to reconfig your own. https://github.com/vvaske/PolarisBiosEditor save it, and then flash your bios use ATIWinFlash RX570 stock.rom
  16. how and where are you checking to see that you have a 90w limit?
  17. I also have a RX 570 and running into issues. It seems to be the new driver. My fans are also not working even trying to manually override it with MSI. I got it all to run, it has something to do with the curve performance. Go to your Radeon Software, performance tab, tuning, global tuning, and manually set everything.
  18. There are some speculations pointing to nVidia holding off on the supply and not actually releasing the entire amount. It's to cause demand for the timely releases one for September, second for November, and third for August of 2021 to combat AMD releases (all of a sudden they have supplies of GPU again when it's supposedly out-of-stock.) The person who said this, Moore, spoke about this in August and he was right on with the timings. So, even if it does lack substance to actually accuse nVidia of doing such practices... I wouldn't put it beyond them to actually do it given how easily they are motivated for $ grab. But thanks for the insight on your comment.
  19. I see where you wrongly interpreted what I said. Never did I said they had less supplies. I said they are selling less, as in, HOLDING OFF from circulating the chips to AIB to purposely inflate the prices. Or, limiting the number of supply onto the market aka, controlling the supply. This is what I said. I was using it as an example to why it would benefit nVidia to control the supplies. Thanks for taking what I said out of context. And the reference to, "speculating nVidia and most of these car companies will start doing exactly that" is me hinting that they will limit the number of orders and control the supply to keep inflating the prices purposely for their own benefits. Literally said they are more profitable controlling the supplies, example: the FISCAL 2021 and 2022 YEAR statements, than they normally would be. So why would they change it? Hence, Q1-2022 year saw a MASSIVE spike in prices because... my conclusion... they are controlling the supply purposely after seeing the gains they can get just from chip shortages during the pandemic. Chip shortages... Yes. But why would they order more of it if they can limit/control the supply to keep inflating the price. Did you not see the 3080-ti MSRP? The idea that this will all go away, in my argument, it won't. If they can squeeze your wallet for a couple more years and blame it on chip shortages, why not?
  20. We're talking about the financial statements ending quarterly. He's claiming nVidia did better before the pandemic in quarter statement than they did after. Which is BS. Honestly, if you even bother reading anything you'll understand what is being said in context instead commenting over something silly. Of course the pandemic didn't start July 26, 2020, nor is it over July 26, 2021.
  21. Ah yes, first it was the "if the number only works for you, you'll use it." Now it's the, "I think you're trolling and conspiracy theory." I mean, clearly I can see you misinterpreted the financial statements for fiscal year 2020 as the literal 2020 quarterly 2020 statements and fiscal year 2021 as the actual 2021 statements. Debunking your bs about "150% profits before pandemic" with actual data and properly showing you how to read it doesn't mean it's a conspiracy theory. And for reference, FISCAL YEAR 2021 concludes the YEAR 2020 statements, not 2021. No where did they profited 150% more in any previous year. Also, I'll put this for reference as well. Because it seems you're confusing gross profits for gross margins.
  22. If it's 10,000,000 cards, it won't be selling for $500 because it's too high in supply. If you don't understand how fundamentals work, why even bother posting ignorant comments.