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  1. simulacrae

    Logitech V2

    They trying to reach a younger crowd by hinting that the product shot out of their nose ?
  2. Re: Ring vieo link not a fan of websites that force you to give email before they will show you anything - auto rejected Its a shame because the product seemed interesting...
  3. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... or atleast until I get better at screenshots...
  4. Just saw this - someone got the Triple Elite award ... 15 hours a day http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-03-24-elite-dangerous-first-triple-elite-player-just-won-10-000
  5. Vessel Name : simulacrae Favorite Videos : Keycaps ! Episode 1a .... Scrapyard Warzzzzz
  6. Well looks like the "Wings" v1.2 is out
  7. Ah well - yeah I haven't tried SC yet. Cheers
  8. Seems to be - trick is to keep an eye out for the Advancement Opportunities in the Bulletin board - after you have done some good things for a Faction that is aligned to something like the Federation - and you do some good things - you get advancement missions which will move your rank up. - Currently what i am working on doing in the Empire ... want my clipper!
  9. Im enjoying Elite - I haven't played Star Citizen and probably wont until it is actually released. Elite has been great - there is a bit of a grind to making money to earning ships - and there is a bit of a learning curve as well to the controls and mechanics of the game - And yes the multiplayer aspect at the moment is a bit borked - but I have to admit i have been waiting for a space sim since the days of x-wing and so far Elite has been a blast.
  10. When you are in the bulletin board the right had side shows the particular faction that wants you to do something (the mission title on left). Its always helpful to check which faction is in control of the station and which faction is aligned with Federation, Empire, or Alliance ... or Independent. You can do that on the right had panel (status i believe) of your spaceship. You want to make sure you aren't doing offsetting missions - (working for rival factions) as you will loose rep with whatever faction you are working on. I think turning in bounties as well as cartographic data also help your rep with which ever faction is in control. Hope that helps !
  11. Been enjoying it myself - currently tooling around Empire space trying to get enough money and rank to get me one of them fancy clippers. Still learning the mechanics and trying to make a living as a trader ... not a very good one tho...
  12. Loved this review - going to get one myself now ! Would be awesome to see more maker vids here as well - and projects ! Thanks Luke !!!