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And here is more evidence that Ryzen was the kick up the arse the CPU industry needed:


  1. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    cant wait until tf2 gets this

    oh wait valve's focusing their attention on a card game with 3000 players

  2. _Hustler_One_


    I built my system exclusively to play WoT as it's the only game I play. The game was once optimized for a single threaded CPU than multi threaded, so Intel performance was superior to AMD on this game, but this upcoming update will turn the table to the AMD side. I'm eager to see how my i7 8700K will perform on this update. If this update turn the Intel's hyperthreading become worse than the performance I have in this game currently, I will be disappointed.

  3. 8uhbbhu8


    I originally built my current system for school and Wows. Wot getting this is a nice bonus
