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Everything posted by TheMail

  1. shisha is nice, the main reason i smoke cigarettes is purely for the convenience of it
  2. i live alone, so im only hurting myself by smoking. my packs of cigarettes are around 15R for the nice ones, which works out to around ~$1.30.. so my wallet is fine
  3. heheheh, they're around 10R here (~0.7 euros)
  4. im not a huge fan of Lucky's, but they're cheap so whatever
  5. and i dont care for people who preemptively judge, GG
  6. why do you care if we smoke or not, because i dont care that you dont approve of it. i was never asking for your approval. I asked for a discussion and you continue to shit up the thread because you dont agree with what im doing. your banter isnt going to change anything, so just piss off
  7. I realize im destroying myself, but as I've said a million times, i dont care. i have a history of cutting and other self-harm, this is no different from that as it helps me release What you enjoy isnt the same as what others enjoy
  8. whats also nice is snuff, like the tobacco that you snort. its a good alternative if you dont wanna smoke. its cheap too.
  9. the new Thief is god-awful, just play the old ones and pretend this game was never released
  10. k the reason i avoid e-cigs is mostly because of the retarded community that e-cigs has.. the community is more cancerous than my cigarettes
  11. You're an idiot if you think smoking will cause all of those things. Nice research Sherlock.
  12. they do calm you down, theres such a thing as "moderation"
  13. Winstons are nice, they're unfortunately hard to find here.
  14. it feels good so i dont really care
  15. it feels good and im gonna die eventually anyway, so it doesnt make much of a difference
  16. Im smoking some Kent's right now, goddamn delicious inb4 "HURR DURR CANCER STOP SMOKING ITS BAAAAAD" if i gave a damn, i wouldnt be smoking
  17. skip to 1:44-ish for the song, or watch the hilarious intro
  18. its a bad idea to get that cpu, its gonna bottleneck the shit out of your build
  19. wait and see... how do you expect us to know?
  20. I found ArcheAge to be absolutely horrendous. It has NO content whatsoever, and most of the good reviews it is getting are purely based on the pseudo-innovative mechanics they implemented, and the engine it is using.
  21. Suprise suprise, yet another shit ISP.
  22. No, it will be expensive, and paying money for that marginal difference is stupid.