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  1. My motherboard is a Asus A Pro 97z. Looking for drivers and a link would help.
  2. I just built my computer and I'm looking for the drivers. Plz help. A link would help.
  3. Both coolers are amazing, but if I had to choose one it would be the extreme one. I only choose this cooler for the that I think it looks better in design.
  4. Sorry I mess up on this post I reposted. I'm getting all the help I need right now, but thank you for trying to help me.
  5. Sorry I mess up on this post I reposted. I'm getting all the help I need right now, but thank you for trying to help me.
  6. Sorry I mess up on this post I reposted. I'm getting all the help I need right now, but thank you for trying to help me.
  7. I know I'm pushing it but I hoping everything turns out the way I want it to. I'm still being hopeful.
  8. My budget is $2100 but I have a idea if the pc turns out to be more than my budget, but it can only be about $150 more than the budget.
  9. It a gaming pc sorry I didn't say it the first place
  10. My first pc build. Link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/brpzHx My questions are how much would the price go down this holiday season? Also can x99 motherboards do dual channel memory or only quad channel? Any thoughts or suggestions?
  11. Building my first PC and trying to start off strong with this beast. Link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/jCQGdC I was also wondering how much would the price go down by this holiday season. Also any thoughts or suggestions.