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Everything posted by xox

  1. Does this issue happen in a Linux environment?
  2. If it's not functioning as intended, send it back and get a new one
  3. For just $200 though, there are used computers. Someone has to buy them... I'm sorry, but you can't always have new stuff, used stuff is usually just as good. The sense of entitlement that some people have that they deserve new parts is really strong. There are always better options.
  4. The Blue Snowball has always struck me as a good choice, 66 euro on Amazon DE
  5. I you're gonna play Windows games, get Windows. Wine doesn't really work very well in my experience.
  6. Indeed. It just gives you a way to derive 9v from the power supply. But yeah, many power supplies don't even have the 3.3v wire because it isn't even in the spec nowadays. idk, it wasn't even relevant
  7. I'd just go for the one that looks the best/is the cheapest, they're all within ~5fps of each other, which is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Besides, you can still liquid cool all of them.
  8. SATA power also does 3.3 volts Thought I'd throw that out there
  9. We've had some crackers and it's only been 14 days
  10. Am I some kind of alcoholic? (don't worry, I've go t a mate round, but I might have a sneaky exam tomorrow)
  11. Press on it a bunch of times? Does your warranty cover dead pixels?
  12. If it's only going to be in a couple of months, why waste your money on a 280 now when you can spend it in the future?
  13. An oven pizza from Sainsbury's... Can't beat Sainsbury's Revising at the moment... Anyone got anything decent on collectivisation?
  14. Linus complained about the surface pro 3... In the real world, most of his complaints are invalid. Same with the Nexus 6, his opinion is great and all, but sometimes he's full of shit.
  15. 1000 currently on my G602. Also in power saver mode.
  16. Nope, what you want is a female RCA to male 3.5mm jack. Then plug it into the RCA adapter that you got in your PS3 box. Then set the audio output to RCA or whatever it's called rather than HDMI or whatever you had it on before.
  17. Yeah, connect the RCA out thingy to a 3.5mm jack cable and them plug that into the Line In (blue) jack on the back of your PC. ie:
  18. If you feel comfortable voiding your warranty, yes of course
  19. Yeah, realistically, but it's the VRM modules that probably should be the cause for concern for you here. I'd get some of those miniature heatsinks for them. EDIT: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-001-WC&emcs0=2&emcs1=Produktdetailseite&emcs2=WC-557-EK&emcs3=HS-001-WC
  20. Just shows quite how profitable micro-transactions are.
  21. You may as well go 280mm mate, more surface area