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Everything posted by Giganizer300PRO

  1. Here's the article: OC3D The Vega 64 launch price is apparently only temporary. The card's MSRP will now be about 20% higher, but will include 2 games. It also looks like not all (if any) reviewers were told about this. There hasn't yet been an official response from AMd tho, so things could change. We knew miners were going to bump prices, but I didn't see this coming. I'll be in the market for a new GPU soon and if Vega 64's MSRP will really be this higher, I probably won't even consider it. I mean this is just the MSRP, the real price will be even higher in my (and many other) country.
  2. I wasn't at LTX, but I did watch the RX Vega and Alienware PC unboxing pretty quickly after its release. The RX Vega launch is around the corner and it was nice to see an early unboxing. All that limited edition stuff was cool too. It appears tho journalists and reviewers from tech news sites are unhappy, because they didn't get early content. There's an article on KITGURU that shortly recaps what happened at LTX and then goes on to write about other news journalists expressing their unhappiness. A journalist from Tweaktown was particularly unhappy and was writing about it on his personal Facebook page. Apparently he was not the only one feeling this way. Link to the original article: https://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/carl/amd-teases-radeon-rx-vega-exclusively-with-linus-press-unhappy/
  3. I'm far from a memory expert so you should maybe look up a review of the motherboard and once you find some memory, post your config in some sort of memory forum. The same category here should be fine, but post only questions about the memory and what exactly you want and someone will help you.
  4. Not sure if the CPU bottlenecks the card, but I think it shouldn't. Your FPS will depend on your monitor refresh rate. You FPS will match the monitor's refresh rate in Hz, as long as the system (mainly GPU) can perform that. Not sure how much that system is capable, but eyeballing it I would say between 70-100 on new AAA titles. In Overwatch and GTA V you will have much more, since they're not as demanding. Battlefield 1 is also pretty well optimized, so should be over 100. To know more precisely you should run benchmarks or look them up for your (or very similar) config.
  5. In terms of features they look pretty similar. I didn't see XMP support listed on the specs on the Asus board, but since it says it supports up to 3200 MHz (OC) it might not be a problem. It doesn't matter with your current memory anyway. I think you should however invest in some faster memory. In that case check the memory support for both boards in detail. Other than that I don't think there's anything that would matter with your config. The only thing that matters is the BIOS. You just have to decide which one you like the most. I would look at the BIOS update support and choose the one with the better/faster. As far as looks go, the Asus board looks much nicer. The Gigabyte board has those random RGB lines that AORUS brags about. Overall doesn't look that great and some parts are colored red, which just doesn't fit and looks ugly.
  6. My friend has one with a stock cooler. Performance-wise should be similar to Devils Canyon (I have a 4690K @ 4.5GHz), maybe a little less. It will do decent, probably enough for 1080p. It should be enough to run esports titles without issues. AAA titles might also work (with the right GPU). IMO you should however go for something newer. It's a quite old chip and I don't think it'll last you that long. If you were still using it today, it would be fine, but upgrading to it today seems not worth it (depends for how much you get it). As the others also replied, you should examine the GN analysis and comparisons of Sandy bridge today in detail.
  7. The case is a microtower yes and it has a microATX mobo in it. It's from the early 2000s and it has 32bit XP installed (lags). Thanks for trying.
  8. I'm back with these unmatching measurements. I took apart a FUJITSU SIEMENS SCENIC P300 at school. It has an unusual design, where the power supply is mounted on top of the CPU and the PSU fan is used to cool both the CPU and PSU. I measured the PSU and the dimensions are 100x100x180 mm. I thought it was an SFX or a TFX form factor, but the dimensions don't match. The PSU is a Newton Power NPS-200PB-132A. So what is the form factor of this power supply?
  9. Pounds?? I would expect to get 100€ for it... IMO It's not really worth more than 150€.
  10. Yesterday, PC Gamer posted an article, reporting a NAND flash shortage. They say this is going to cause SSD prices to go up by 10-16%. I'm planning on upgrading my PC sometime in the summer (not exactly sure if in June or August). I already have a 120GB Samsung SSD and a 2TB HDD, which I plan to keep, so I can wait for the price to drop again in late summer or fall this year. So is the price going to drop then or should I stock up on a 500GB SSD? It would be better to buy it then, if I don't really need it now, right?
  11. I took apart this computer in school and I can't figure out the motherboard form factor. It's 26,5 cm x 28,5 cm. I looked online and could find anything similar. The measurements could be a little off, but I couldn't find a form factor that would have similar measurements. The computer is a Dell Optiplex GX 270, a prebuilt. Any ideas?
  12. So, if I want to, how do I join the Insider Preview? (if it's simple you don't need to explain and I'll just Google it) And is it worth it? Are there any downsides? Also thanks a lot for helping.
  13. If I click the "3 straight lines" button it only opens this: But, If I understand correctly, you are showing me what is in the Insider Preview version and isn't yet available in the current version?
  14. I don't have any "Most Used" or "Recently Added" menus/icons. Just the alphabetical order of all the Start Menu entries (inside the red lines in the picture). If I right-click the folders, nothing happens and if I right-click the apps icons (not the tiles!), there is no option to remove them except for uninstalling. If I go to the Start Menu folder (where the icons are saved) and delete them from there, they disappear from the section in question, but also from the tiles and I can't search for them either which means there's no way of opening them from the Start Menu (if they're deleted from the Start Menu folder).
  15. My bad the taskbar. I didn't give much info in the OP, yes, but it doesn't really matter if I have a desktop or laptop (in this case) and I replied to you 2 times telling you I don't want to rollback. I appreciate you're trying to help, but you're missing the point.
  16. I want the update, because it fixes bugs and issues, but I don't like the new Start Menu, so I want to change it. I don't want to rollback and not update, because then I will still have the old, "unfixed" version. And also if you right-click the Start Menu icon, you can't get to the Start Menu settings directly. But I have been there and you can't customize what I want! So please stop shitposting this thread.
  17. I know I can, I was putting back the update until today and I can uninstall the update in the "Control Panel", but that's not what I want. I already have too many issues with Windows 10, so I want to use the latest version of it. Maybe some things get fixed.
  18. I know I'm super late, but I just haven't been much on the forums these last couple months. So anyway, before the forum overhaul, I had a spoiler in my description and as you can see it's now gone. So how do I fix it? Are spoilers still allowed in descriptions?
  19. In the last big update for Windows 10, they changed quite some things in the UI. I like most of the things, but not the Start Menu. They moved the "User" and the "Power", "Settings" and "Windows Explorer" menus to the left side with no text, but instead only icons. I like that you can now customize these icons and it's functional if you have a lot (I turned on almost all). So that's alright, but it now shows all the Start Menu entries right in the front, as soon as you open it (I'm not talking about the tiles). Just look at the picture.
  20. Are you fucking kidding me how is this forum so dead...
  21. I have a pair of Logitech G230 headphones. Yeah they're cheap and crappy, but I didn't really need much more when I bought them so... Anyway, lately I've been noticing some audio degradation. For example when I'm watching videos (YT and Vessel both) or listening to music (VLC) I hear some... stutters. I think. Not 100% sure how to call it. It also breaks up from time to time and sometimes I feel like the music is slowed down. As if I set the playback speed to lower than normal. But it comes and it goes, it's not always present. But interestingly enough I haven't noticed any of these issues while gaming (game audio is completely fine, but background music has the issues) or with Skype/Discord. I have my headphones plugged into my Blackwidow Ultimate 2014, which then goes to the back of the mobo. I have been blasting my headphones full volume on the headphones controls and in Windows the past few months or so. But I have things like game audio and music turned down, I'm not blasting full volume across the board. Sometimes when I rage I lightly throw them, drop them on the desk, but nothing too special (not very often). What could this be? Is it a software error or are my headphones broken? Please help :3
  22. What if it wasn't, but and Kingsoft faked it?