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  1. This projector is really cool and I have been looking one that can do just what this one can. Be close to the surface that it is projecting onto so that people do not walk into the beam.
  2. Can any one make a recommendation for a good case fan that is cheap and quiet? 

  3. I need this SSD I have about 5-10 gig left on my hard drive and cannot afford a new one especially an SSD. And I think that if it is posable that every one should have an SSD as their boot drive to have better start up times, who wants to wait for their computer to take a long time to start.
  4. definitely the kova it looks realy cool
  5. I would like this for my family to be able to play games around the TV together.
  6. Chaz10297 https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy
  7. I would LOVE to have this processor. I work on a tight budget and want to upgrade and getting this chip would certainly help with doing so.