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About LexCalifornia

  • Birthday July 31

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    Tramping between California & Europe
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    music (listening and making), writing, concerts, bands, art, cars, history, books, politics, tech, tumblr.
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    I like coffee. That's about it.
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  1. I'm pretty sure you can't adjust thermal limits in that BIOS. Last BIOS for the D630 was A17 available here. Maybe it's worth updating it? What OS is that thing running? If it's any Windows, you could try if ThrottleStop can limit the GPU so it won't overheat. (Did you apply thermal paste to the GPU as well? - That's the other cute chip that should be covered by the heat pipe.) While laptops are charging batteries they get hotter than usual btw because the charging process heats up the battery. So you could try with AC adapter only. But anyways, it's a what now? 14 year old system? Sometimes it's time to throw it away and start with something new. Print a sticker that says that and slap it on. Ha. Also don't forget that with such old hardware, things can fail without warning. Good luck with the D630 anyways!
  2. Hm kay. Then you're on the hunt now. Now you gotta go step by step. First remove battery and AC power as well as the CMOS battery then press and hold the power button for at least 20 seconds to drain all residual power left in the system. Sometimes BIOS settings can become corrupted, this way you'd reset BIOS settings. Another thing you can try is to boot without CMOS battery connected. I can't remember if the D630's beep or show LED codes tho. But you can find the service manual here. Next step would be to remove all hardware that could be faulty meaning HDD, CD drive, RAM. Without RAM the system should at least give you an error. It really is just a way to see if one of the things connected to the motherboard is at fault. Then you'd go step by step and reconnect things again. Start out with putting one RAM stick back in (do the one under the keyboard last). Try these steps without the battery connected, only AC power. And so on. If that all pans out to not be the culprit you could try and run diagnostics via F12 at boot for the boot menu and then selecting the diagnostics option if available (I don't remember if the 630 has this tho). If that all fails the next step would be to test with known good RAM, known good AC adaptor and so on. What you also could try is to reflash the BIOS. If it's corrupted that could help as well.
  3. Could be a broken lever. Use a plastic tool to pinch the rear end of the lever (the one deep in the port) and press it down then pull the cable out.
  4. I've had good experience using ThrottleStop for exactly that 15 R4 with the i7 8750H. How to: ThrottleStop: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-throttlestop/ Usually my CPU doesn't hit more than 185F (85 C) in summer and that only if I'm pushing it. (No air-condition)
  5. Have you reseated the RAM and checked all cables again? That's where I'd start.
  6. Try fixing the boot loader first, before you start ripping hardware apart. See here (scroll down for Windows 10; works with a Windows 10 USB installer as well as a disk): https://neosmart.net/wiki/bootrec/
  7. Maybe it was intended to showcase that it's not the slowest machine you can get, performance wise, maybe you could've just watched it^^ -.-
  8. Macs Fan Control lets you at least watch one diode at a time in your menu bar. And adjust your fans. And it's free. Super High Res menu bar screenshot (your eye cancer is not my fault. ) Main Window: Menu bar display options: You just first gotta find out what the hottest sensor is in your Mac.
  9. Money doesn't solve *all* problems. But it can make things easier. Although, I couldn't really chill, even if I had millions in the bank. First you wanna find out how you keep a big chunk of what you have without paying too much taxes - Hello, we're your income taxes and we'll try to rip you off. And I don't mean scamming taxes, I mean re-investing. And if you're gonna re-invest, you should do it in a manner that doesn't hurt anyone. But I can agree on that having money makes things easier depending on what you want in life. Materialistic at least. But there are downsides to being rich. Like I initially said, first of all you want to make sure that you keep what you... got from that post train robbery. And then you really want to find out why you suddenly got 500 friends who ask for favours when you had like only 5 last week? Being rich comes with challenges as does everything in life. I wouldn't mind having the money to travel without having second thoughts on it. But what I couldn't do would be being rich and not do anything. Like, when you say 'chill', that's a word I like to use for Sundays. I enjoy working, I enjoy helping out. So I'd probably end up building my own helping-hand company. So no chill for me.^^ And also, all I really want is being able to stay healthy, meet with friends and enjoy my hellish black coffee every morning. As long as I can achieve that, I'm pretty happy. Tho, travelling would make it even better, I gotta give in to that.
  10. Argue with facts. #1: Playing Video Games is Good for your Brain - IFLSCIENECE https://www.iflscience.com/brain/playing-video-games-good-your-brain-here-s-how/ #2: Playing Video Games is Good for your Brain - WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/11/11/playing-video-games-is-good-for-your-brain/?utm_term=.b3542df43edc #3: More on Video Games: Good for your Brain & Job - HultEDU http://www.hult.edu/blog/more-on-video-games-good-for-your-brain-and-good-for-your-job/ Still get some fresh air from time to time. There's nothing more satisfying than ripping some tricks on your skateboard and drinking an ice cold milkshake at the next best park near you.
  11. Hey, oddballs are cool! It's sometimes impressive how people combine a specific launcher with a wallpaper and icon arrangement on their Android phone tho. And yeah, maybe in a couple centuries we'll see the first screenshots of it in an art gallery? hehe. I have all my drawing and photo editors in a folder on my dock on my iPad lol. Kinda the only reason I bought that thing in the first place. I think it's getting worse. If you take a look at the T2 chip and its references, that thing adds another level of security to Apple hardware. And on iOS you don't have a Terminal to shut it off. So yeah, I think after a decade of jailbreaking, it could be over. Soon at least. If you look at it from a developer standpoint (the original developer point of view at least), it all sounds reasonable. You create a software and a 3rd party analyses it, develops measures to disable your security and creates hacks for it. You wouldn't be pleased to have that happen to your software unless your name is Microsoft and you just can't control it any longer. But since a lot of customers are wishing for more customisation, Apple maybe should listen. A bit at least. But that also would kind of defeat their design language history and that's also a selling point for them. And a full developer iPhone edition would kind of mean to open up all the bits and pieces to people who are willing to pay extra and waive their warranty right out of the box. Although it sounds like an interesting idea. German phone plans are quite expensive. Especially if you look at what people's pay checks are there. ^^ 10mbps? Lmao. That's... so 2008. ^^ I didn't like TouchWiz at all which is why I went and installed Nova launcher. Funny enough it took me longer to customise it to my liking than I'm willing to admit. What changed in 2017? Sorry, I never paid much attention to Jailbreaks tbh. The Xiaomi Mi 8 would be one of the phones you'd have to import, right? So your government will slap what, 20% on top of the original price? That sounds rather expensive. *cough* foreign vacation trip & send the box home via UPS or something *cough* Oh yeah, my company has been pretty generous so far when it comes to devices. First kinda questions was if I wanted to use a desktop or laptop and they added "...with a laptop you can work from home from time to time.". So that was an obvious choice Continuity is a nice feature. Especially if you're doing something on the train and you're running slowly out of batter (which happens, I heard ) and when you come home you can seamlessly keep on working on a bigger screen if you happen to have a (very expensive) desktop from that company. (Or upgraded your old one's bluetooth, HA!). iCloud is somewhat expensive if you need more than 50 GB compared to the competition but it works well and upload speeds are better than Microsoft's. Way better. Although at home a NAS is the fastest way to go. So, not everyone needs it but it's nice to have. Security wise, personal, critical files should never be stored in the cloud. After all it's just "someone else's computer" tho. But also having your own file servers in a data centre somewhere is kind of expensive! Although... having my own data centre sounds like a dream. Hm. Gotta write that down lol. Social engineering is the most interesting topic coming from a security driven point of view. A pretty simple example is the one of all those TV Evangelists we got over here. It's the biggest, ongoing scam we've ever witnessed. Using people's believes (and their trust) to drag all those pretty pennies out of their pockets. "Send me money and you'll do good in life." No sane human would trust such a thing in the first place but yet we have millions of citizens who monthly contribute to "the cause". Crazy. But glad they caught that sucker. Security and privacy sadly don't really go hand in hand. You always gotta find the balance between those two. And I don't think there's something like a healthy balance. In an interconnected world, everything 'secure' is not really. At least not in the meaning of the word. So it all comes down to a personal decision. If you like building PCs, try building servers. All that mighty hardware! *-* so fancy! I'd love to build an IBM Z14 from ground up tho! I love those machines. But it's not like I can walk in at IBM HQ and be like "lemme lay hands on that!" True. If things don't work, it's frustrating. Especially if it's your own stuff that you bought with your own money for yourself. I mean, gaming in 4K is... nice? I guess. But dealing with all the issues like not properly coded drivers, Windows 10 trying to force other drivers (and everything else) down your throat while randomly smooching on your files? Seriously, that's nothing I wanna be part of anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old. Microsoft's approach to a smartphone OS wasn't that bad, visually. But developers didn't jump on that train. Their market share on mobile OS was shattered when Apple and Google invested billions into their respective OS. Fascinating to me is that Apple still earns more revenue out of it than Google despite Google having the far bigger market share. Google's problem tho is somewhat like Microsofts. They're making an operating system for endless different hardware. And that bears problems, always does. Sure, the hardware manufacturers need to provide drivers for their hardware (as they do in the PC world) but that doesn't always go smoothly. (Hello Nvidia!) So for anyone else coming up with a mobile OS, it's the same obstacle. And if the Linux community isn't willing to jump in there anymore, then I also don't know who would. There are a couple videos out there on USB-C audio and how 'good' it really is and where the problems are, so if Apple manages to finally make a headphone adapter that works, doesn't randomly disconnect at the slightest of movement and sounds good, it might not be that bad. But they haven't managed that since the iPhone 7 (because they're not paying attention over that "go all wireless or go away" mentality of theirs). Oh, by the way, Satechi is already at it. https://betanews.com/2018/11/08/satechi-aluminum-type-c-mobile-pro-hub-ipad-pro/ Dual booting iOS sounds interesting. So where's my pen test linux I can boot with iOS?? THAT would make my life so much easier! That and a... 60k mA battery bank
  12. Well then you should watch this: And this: And maybe this:
  13. C2D models: no. Core i5 models: depends. From 2nd Gen up, maybe. Q: Is your budget maxed out at $200? I can't really recommend buying such an old machine, although I was running a late 2011 MBP 13" up until last year. Fairly fast with an SSD and RAM upgrade and yes, I even edited videos on it and used it for Photoshop. The screen is not the best, the resolution is low and even if you can edit videos with it, expect it to be slow at times and the scrubbing through the timeline can be... slow as well. Especially if you're gonna edit 1080p. If you really want to buy one and can one in good condition for cheap, here are some key points you should look out for: - i5 at least 2nd Generation minimum. - 8 GB RAM minimum. - Intel GPU only. (The dedicated GPUs of that era are just junk and will cause more problems than anything else: see https://www.youtube.com/user/rossmanngroup) - make sure the battery is fairly new or you can get a replacement for cheap. A better choice would be to save up to around $450-550 and get a 2013ish MBP to be honest. Sometimes you can get the 2013 MBPs cheaper. Luke Miani - Is it possible to buy a MacBook as a 'budget' laptop: Luke Miani - 2013 MBP: Edit: Luke's Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LukeMianiYouTube/
  14. Don't know if that still works or is even a thing: Remember although, disabling SIP is not the wisest thing to do.^^