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  1. Hello. So I recently got an old desktop from someone I know because he had gotten a new computer. He said that the gpu had given up. (It worked perfectly when I tried it) So now I'm sitting here with a pretty powerful system that I have no idea what to do with. Specs: Cpu: AMD 8350 Gpu: RX 290 Ram: 16GB Psu: 650W. Cooling: Noctua D-15, think it's their flagship model. No harddrive. First of all, i struggled to get this machine to post. The bios wouldn't initiate or anything. Turns out that the motherboard didn't like to have a harddrive connected. Tried updating the bios, the bios didn't update. Swapped from 32gb ram to 16gb, put in a freshly formated drive and a Windows installation stick, managed to install Windows and I got it to boot. Great. It's working So now. What do I use it for? Had some ideas, I have a pretty awesome Ethernet connection in my apparentment (1Gb/s!), so I thought I'd run a few game servers on it. That would use the 8350. But I would still have an R9 290 just sitting there doing nothing. Could I use it for mining? Or would that make too much noise? 290s get loud, no fun in having a vacuum cleaner on for 24/7. And would mining with a 290 even gain me anything? Another thought would be to use it as an HTCP, but I would still want to run servers, having a noisy system on in my livingroom/bedroom wouldn't be very nice. Lastly, I thought I'd use it as a mix-up of NAS, game server and server for other random projects, but again, then I would have a 290 doing absolutely nothing. Any other ideas? Thoughts on how I can utilize the GPU? Is there any gain from selling it?
  2. Stoked on the results. At what time is the draw done?
  3. GTX 660 non Ti, which refuses to keep my computer from bluescreening everytime the computer wakes up! But it still runs games great! (not really in comparison). But hey! It kind of works!
  4. Could a projector help me get my friends over for movie nights?! Hope so.. Worth a try ;_; Guess its also quite awesome that a projector like this probably could cover my entire wall with an image in my small room. Actuallt been looking at projectors for a while to find something. This might be it..