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    The Bible Belt
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    Minimum Wage Slave
  1. *shrugs* i thought it looked pretty cool. i would not mind trying it for a year.
  2. i just got a computer to replace the one i was on before (which stopped working) back when i was on ltt daily, and i see that i missed out on getting vessel for a year. *damn* it. stupid crappy laptop crapping out at inconvenient times.
  3. Air in a can, mostly. I've been known to take a swiffer to my screen and keyboard.
  4. the computers at my high school ran better than the ones at the college i went to (while i could pay). probably because we weren't allowed to do *anything* to them and the few of us who did more or less knew what we were doing. the ones at the college and super slow and almost always have a virus or some bullshit. it's super easy to guess the passwords and screw everything up. the computers themselves are pretty good. the issue is the people using the computers.
  5. my grandparents have an hp pavilion 23xt all in one pc as their primary machine. there are also a few older dell computers and an acer netbook in the house. my grandfather edits a lot of photos. my grandmother plays some games online.
  6. well it looks fantastic, for starters. i am digging the design. i also think it is pretty convenient that it has so many for overclocking and keeping an eye on temperatures. it looks like getting it inside would be a bit tricky if you don't have a huge case, though. and quiet is always nice. so is cooling.
  7. oh. moderate gaming, drawing, minor video editing.
  8. peripherals need not be factored in at all. i still have that stuff from my old desktop. *edit* wait wait. i did not realize that "peripherals" included graphics cards and ram. i guess some will have to be factored in. i won't need a monitor or keyboard or mouse or anything like that. i have no idea if i could use the ram from my old dell dimension.
  9. i have never built a computer before. i would like to, though. i watch a lot of videos and am trying to learn. my budget is around $500. maybe a bit more. "aims for the build"?
  10. yeah. around $500. I work minimum wage and most of my money goes to bills so...I don't feel like I will be able to save up much more than that before my laptop becomes completely unusable.
  11. Okay. I am slowly but surely saving up for a new machine of the desktop variety. I wanted to save and try to build a rig, but that will likely take much more time than my laptop has left. What I want is something that will last for at least five years and will be good for gaming, drawing, and editing videos (nothing major). Would you all consider this computer suitable? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227510