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Everything posted by QuadNine

  1. I'll keep it sweet and simple, I have 50$ and my headset is starting to break, what are some good sub 50$ headsets, in terms of build quality, sound quality and microphone quality?
  2. So recently my LG G4 started to boot loop, and I have an upgrade. I have been looking at some new phone to get and I am currently looking at the Pixel. I liked the interface, and ui of the G4, and I also really like the rear power button. I have hear that the pixel is extremely fragile. Should I get the pixel, or is there another phone I should look at? Thanks in advance
  3. So I am ordering some products to Norway through amazon, and there is an "Import Fee Deposit". How often does that number go up or down? Will I have to expect to pay more than it says? if so how much more? Thanks in advance!
  4. I think I'll go with the windows 10. When I install it do you know if it will be 64 bit, or will it still be 32 bit?
  5. I just had a random disc that was 32 bit lying around when I made the system
  6. I recently bought an rx 460 and the required drivers only work on 64 bit systems, and I only have a 32 bit system. What is a legit cheap place I can get windows 7 64 bit?
  7. Well couldn't I get a semi-modular PSU then get a kit for that?
  8. I am in need for some good looking interals, as I am tired of looking at the ghetto looking wires coming out of my PSU. What are some good PSUs that are modular for around 50$? and what custom cables would I need to buy for it to power my motherboard, 1 ssd, 1 hardrive, and a 1060?
  9. I rebuilt the database and i was able to play but it was in offline mode, then i restarted it again and it worked. Quite odd
  10. Today I come home l, turn on my ps4 And sign into my account only to be brought up with a blank menu screen. After 5 mins or so the menu shows up but with blank icons. Any ideas on how to fix it?
  11. Im insulted. No Vermin Supreme...
  12. So I am feeling a little nostalgic, and I wanna relive some moments and play some old GameBoy Games. What are some good emulators I can get on my computer? Thanks in Advance
  13. Thanks a ton guys, I am really excited to finally build this thing
  14. Just making sure. The "O" on the power supply is the one that needs to be pressed down for it to be off, right?
  15. So today I am finally building my PC. Since it will be my first PC build, I want to be really safe and cautious. So I was wondering could I use something like a yoga mat to act as a makeshift Anti-static mat? Or is there something else that I can use? Also what are some ways that I can ground myself before I start working on assembling it? Thanks in advance
  16. Thats what I thought was the right decision. They are some pretty awesome CPUs.
  17. I am not upgrading my current PC I wanted to wait to buy the rest of my long unfinished PC to see what you guys had to say. I only have the RAM, power supply, and the case, and I am waiting to buy the rest based on what is said here
  18. So a year or so ago I decided to build a PC, and went out and bought the PSU, case, and RAM. Little did I know was that I wouldnt be able to fund the rest of the PC until later. So I now have 8 GB of ddr3 RAM, and i was wondering if it would be worth it to just buy some new ddr4 RAM so that I wont be limited to last generation CPUs? Or would it be worth it to stick with this RAM, and just get last generation i5, or i7? I would also like to keep in mind the cost of the older motherboards, and the newer ones.
  19. ^^ (quoting wont work) Pretty ridiculous video. It provides no context to the sources he has, and didn't even mention the sources, which would have been pretty helpful.
  20. Well Gary Johnson is around 2 points from being included in the national debate. I have my fingers crossed.
  21. QuadNine

    5000th post~

    lol, maybe one day
  22. 1. Reese's 2. Reese's 3. Reese's 4. Reese's aaannndddd 5. M&M's