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  1. I would absolutely love the stealth for the old combo with the core but would be just as happy with the standard blade
  2. Only have a laptop so no peripherals worth talking about.
  3. I don't have a gpu atm so would be rather useful
  4. Such a cool product would be great for everything from watching movies to gaming. Love the video name.
  5. I would love an SSD cause I don't have one. Everyone should have one cause software them speeds.
  6. Would love a Kova cause it looks cool and my mouse just broke
  7. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I love the stylish and ergonomic lol of the mouse.
  8. TLDR: New on chip metamaterial allows for light to be better manipulated at the nanoscale and in a way that could be integrated into further photonic applications Sources: https://www.seas.harvard.edu/news/2015/10/to-infinity-and-beyond http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphoton.2015.198.html The refractive index of a material is essentially how quickly the phase of a wave changes in a material. A vacuum has a refractive index of 1 (with air being close to one), water has a refractive index of about 1.3 (this causes the light to bend when it moves between the water and air causing) and diamond has a refractive index of about 2.4 (which causes the sparkles of well-cut diamond). A new metamaterial has been developed in a Harvard lab that has a refractive index of zero, which allows for light to be manipulated at the nanoscale. Having a refractive index of zero essentially means that instead of looking like a usual wave with troughs and crests the light becomes one infinitely long crest or trough. According to the Harvard article and As opposed to previous zero index metamaterials, this is on chip which would allow for better integration with other photonic applications. From the nature journal: The Harvard article describes the metamaterial as: Disclaimer: I do not have a formal degree in Physics and anything that has not been directly quoted could be slightly wrong due to the way that I have tried to simplify things
  9. My current mouse is so bad for gaming. This would be a massive upgrade.
  10. The speed thing is a non issue because inside the warp bubble the 'ship' is essentially not moving the space is moving around it
  11. Primary Source (Highly Technical): http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=36313.1840 Secondary Source (Readable with Basic Science Knowledge): http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/04/nasa-may-have-accidentally-developed-a-warp-drive/ While Einstein’s theories of space and time place the speed of light as a universal speed limit of matter travelling through space a theory by Miguel Alcubierre got around this by proposing to instead warp space in front of and behind the space craft. The Alcubierre drive would effectively allow a ship to travel faster than the speed of light. The limitation being that an absurdly large amount of energy would be needed to power the drive. The theory was then built upon by Dr Harold White who works as team lead of the Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory (informally known as Eagleworks) at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre. Dr White’s alterations made the drive more energy efficient and therefore feasible. As a separate project at Eagleworks and other labs around the world a new type of propulsion is being researched the EmDrive proposed by British engineer Roger Shawyer. A post on NASASpaceFlight.com (a forum that is focused on the engineering side of NASA projects) says that when the path-time of light (how fast it is travelling over a distance) was measured through the EmDrive’s resonance chamber there were significant variances in the speed and most importantly some of the beams appeared to travel faster than the speed of light. This could mean that the drive is producing a warp field or bubble. A comment on NASASpaceFlight.com said That’s the big surprise. This signature (the interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the interference pattern found in the EmDrive. The next step is to redo the test in a vacuum to be 100% sure that the apparent warping of space is not due to the temperature of the air. Though Dr White’s preliminary assessments lead him to believe that Even if the EmDrive is producing a warp bubble an actual operating warp drive that could be used to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations and to boldly go where no man has gone before is a long way off. Please note that while I have done a lot of reading on the topics discussed in this post I do not hold a PHD in physics or maths so if there are any errors I am sorry.
  12. Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/apple-remains-among-samsungs-top-revenue-sources/ The South Korean tech company Samsung has released their end of year filings for 2014 in which Apple is named once again as one of Samsung's top five revenue sources. The others to make the list are Deutsche Telekom, Ingram Micro, Sprint, and Verizon. Together these companies make up 13% of Samsung's revenue. This shows how, even though Apple and Samsung are fierce rivals in the mobile space, Apple is still reliant on Samsung to produce some of the core components for the iPhones and Samsung in turn is reliant on Apple as a key source of revenue.
  13. Source: http://www.engadget.com/2015/03/31/festo-insect-robots/#continued Festo, a German automation company, has designed a new series of robots inspired by nature. The first is a robotic ant which is designed to work with other robotic ants in order to move objects that are much larger than itself. The next is a robotic butterfly that can fly indoors, along preprogramed routes, using infrared cameras as a GPS system. Finally there is a robot that is based on the movements of a chameleon's tongue. This robot is deigned to lift objects and move them around. It is made up of a silicon cap attached to a robotic arm. Festo's older nature inspired projects can be found here: http://www.engadget.com/2014/04/06/WarkaWater-Tower,-kangaroo-like-robot-energy-generating-carousel/
  14. Amazon said the battery life will last for years. You can cancel any accidental purchases using the app. The button uses wifi to place the order and is paid for using the credit card that Amazon has on file