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  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    m5a99fx pro
  • RAM
    8gb corsair vengeance
  • GPU
    hd4850 lf a replacement
  • Case
    corsair r300
  • Storage
    a lot
  • PSU
    overkill cx750

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  1. Isn't 24'' too small for 1440p ? really asking , and daaaamn stuff is cheap oversea ( i'm jealous ) I was looking at the same monitor but 27'' Do u know how much dick i need to suck to get that ?( yes i'm keeping it classy ) Thanks both for the answer!!!!
  2. Just edited 350 you fast ! XP
  3. My old laptop died on me after 5 years of service, so I built a new PC! Main specs are 1070 g1gaming paired with a 6700k , I am in urgent need of a monitor! hitting 500 fps on an old 1280*1024 is not funny XD: My main ideas are : 1 ms 144hz 1080p for the best competitive gaming ! ( we all know the two contenders asus and benq ) or a good IPS panel maybe 1440? or 1080 ultra-wide ?, 1440 ultra-wide ? But I've come to the realization that i suck at gaming and i realistically haven't much time for it anymore, but i'm a huge multitasker ! 350E budget Long story short , ips panel better if ultra-wide or 1440p to pair with a 1070 any thoughts? ( plz post the monitor codes for EU much appreciated ) have fun !
  4. I have an old 4800 series ... With a 8350 fx that waits a better graphics card
  5. It looks like a solid card. Well priced and competitive. Imho sapphire cards always look amazing, but tastes differ. Will linus review this?
  6. Nice! I've been using it for years. I guess because it's awesome.
  7. Is it money losing because of the money spent in the competition, because of the editing time , or something else?
  8. They were sold out for lack of availability. ( based on last wan show ) If you don't have them , you can't sell them.
  9. Dude, remember they are in america. All hail the Tufts and Rockerfellers. wink wink
  10. Maybe i didn't explain myself very well, I do not say AMD products are bad nor I want a monopoly! I just wanted to see what the community's thoughts on amd's future.
  11. Hello forum, with the recent release of the fury X, and it's relatively bad start I started wondering, is AMD slowly dying? I would start saying that I am a strong believer of AMD products but even fanboys like me have to acknowledge that this company is lagging behind more and more with the passage of time. In the CPU market there is basically no competition, Intel basically owns all the laptop market ( which is most of the pc market ) and in the desktop side the last competitive product we saw was the 8350 FX dated back to the 2012! They were doing a very good job on the APU segment but Intel is allegedly striking back with better integrated graphic in Skylake. On the GPU side we have the Fury X. Very good looking card with the new HBM Technology and water cooled out of the box. ( For the sake of argument lets make it a positive feature ), the problem is performance. We had very high expectation, or at least i Had, but it didn't beat the 980 ti. For starters we would not have had the 980 ti if the fury X didn't exist. To my mind the 980ti was made by Nvidia only to crush the fury X, and in order to do so they had to give everything they got , the performance of a titan X at 650 usd. This is a huge merit of AMD and this is what you get in a free market when you have competition. Nvidia market share of desktop graphic is 76% ( q4 2014 ) and increasing, to turn the table AMD needed a win but it couldn't make it. In conclusion I think amd did a great job as an underdog to push the technology forward , however the shrinking market and the sales do not look so good for this company. What will amd do? Will they make it? Will they sell out? I wanna hear your thoughts. Sorry for the English, and such and such ....
  12. Username ottavianus Fav Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1